/* resample.c
* resample.c -- Routines to resample a statistical series objects
* User routines
*	Pro_ResampledStat()	creates a resampled statistical series object.
*	Pro_ResampledSize()	returns the size of the needed series buffer.
* Mark Showalter, PDS Ring-Moon Systems Node, March 1998
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "profile.h"
#include "fortran.h"

 * Type definitions *

typedef struct ZPRO_RESAMPLED_STRUCT {
    PRO_OBJECT	*stat, *oldpsf, *newpsf, *curve;
    RL_INT4	segment;
    RL_INT4	oldk1, oldk2, newk1, newk2;
    RL_FLT8	oldx1, olddx, newx1, newdx;
    RL_INT4	oldtype, newtype;
    RL_FLT8	oldhw, oldpar, newhw, newpar;
    RL_FLT8	expand0;
    RL_FLT8	segment_min, segment_max;

 * Internal function prototypes *

static void    ZPro_ResampledKRange  RL_PROTO((RL_INT4 knew,
                                               RL_INT4 *k1, RL_INT4 *k2,
                                               RL_VOID *params));
static RL_FLT8 ZPro_ResampledWeights RL_PROTO((RL_INT4 knew, RL_INT4 k,
                                               RL_VOID *params));
static void    ZPro_PrintResampled   RL_PROTO((RL_VOID *params));

*$ Component_name:
*	Pro_ResampledStat (resample.c)
*$ Abstract:
*	This routine resamples a statistical series so that it is uniformly
*	spaced in a new variable and based on a new point spread function (PSF).
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
*	PRO_OBJECT      *Pro_ResampledStat(stat, oldpsf, newpsf, curve, segment,
*		                   x1, dx, k1, k2)
*	PRO_OBJECT	*stat, *oldpsf, *newpsf, *curve;
*	RL_INT4		segment, k1, k2;
*	RL_FLT8		x1, dx;
*$ Inputs:
*	stat		pointer to a statistical series to resample.
*	oldpsf		pointer to the PSF of the original series, possibly
*			unnormalized, in units of series samples.
*	newpsf		pointer to the new PSF desired, possibly unnormalized,
*			in units of new series samples.
*	curve		pointer to the curve that evaluates new coordinate from
*			old.
*	segment		segment index of the curve to use for the resampling.
*	x1, dx		new x coordinate starting value and interval.
*	k1, k2		new range of indices.
*$ Outputs:
*	none
*$ Returns:
*	pointer to a new weighted statistical series; NULL on non-fatal error.
*$ Detailed_description:
*	This routine resamples a statistical series so that it is uniformly
*	spaced in a new variable and based on a new point spread function (PSF).
*	The returned statistical series is uniformly sampled in a new
*	coordinate, such that the give curve function converts from sampling
*	parameter of the original series to that of the new.  For example, if
*	you have a ring occultation profile sampled uniformly in time plus a
*	curve that converts from time to ring-plane intercept radius, you can
*	quickly generate a revised profile that is uniformly sampled in radius.
*	You can also specify the desired PSF of the new profile.  Since the
*	quantity returned is a statistical series, it remains possible to
*	relate the uncertainty in new samples to the uncertainties in the
*	original, and also to evaluate the covariances between new samples.
*$ External_references:
*	Profile toolkit
*$ Side_effects:
*	none
*$ Examples:
*	Suppose we have a statistical series called stat containing a time
*	series of photon counts from a star during a ring occultation.  There is
*	no dead time between samples so the PSF is effectively a boxcar of unit
*	width.  We wish to resample the series into 1-km bins in the ring plane,
*	where each new sample is a uniform average of ring region falling within
*	a given bin.  The new radius limits will be 139000. and 141000. km. We
*	already have a monotonic curve called radius that maps from the series'
*	sampling parameter to radius projected into the ring plane.
*	PRO_OBJECT	*oldpsf, *newpsf, *resamp;
*	oldpsf = Pro_BoxcarFunc(1., 0.5);
*	newpsf = Pro_BoxcarFunc(1., 0.5);
*	resamp = Pro_ResampledStat(oldpsf, newpsf, radius, 1, 139000., 1.,
*			1, 2001);
*	At this point, resamp is a statistical series with the desired
*	properties.  Sample #1 gives the mean photon counts at 139000 km;
*	sample #2001 gives the mean counts at 141000 km.  Because it is a
*	statistical series, it is also possible to use Pro_StatCovar to
*	request the variances of samples and the covariances between samples.
*$ Error_handling:
*	Profile library error handling is in effect.
*	Conditions raised:
*	RL_MEMORY_ERROR		on memory allocation failure.
*	PRO_CLASS_ERROR		if stat is NULL or is not a stat series;
*				if curve is NULL or not a curve;
*				if either psf is NULL or is not a supported
*					function.
*	PRO_COORD_MISMATCH	if curve xname does not match stat xname.
*	PRO_DOMAIN_ERROR	if segment is out of limits for curve.
*$ Limitations:
*	none
*$ Author_and_institution:
*	Mark R. Showalter
*	NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
*	1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
*	none

PRO_OBJECT      *Pro_ResampledStat(stat, oldpsf, newpsf, curve, segment,
		                   x1, dx, k1, k2)
PRO_OBJECT	*stat, *oldpsf, *newpsf, *curve;
RL_INT4		segment, k1, k2;
RL_FLT8		x1, dx;
RL_FLT8		temp, height1, height2;

    /* Verify object types */
    if (XPro_StatPtr(stat)   == NULL ||
        XPro_CurvePtr(curve) == NULL)
		return NULL;

    /* Check coordinate names */
    if (strcmp(Pro_ObjectName(stat,1), Pro_ObjectName(curve,1)) != 0) {
	XPro_CoordMismatch("resampled series",
		stat, curve,
		Pro_ObjectName(stat,1), Pro_ObjectName(curve,1));

    /* Check segment index */
    if (segment < 1 || segment > Pro_CurveSegments(curve)) {
	XPro_IDomainError("segment index", curve, 1,
		Pro_CurveSegments(curve), segment);
		return NULL;

    /* Create new resampled statistical series structure */
    params = (ZPRO_RESAMPLED *) XRL_Malloc(sizeof(ZPRO_RESAMPLED));
    if (params == NULL) return NULL;

    /* Fill structure */
    params->stat    = stat;
    params->oldpsf  = oldpsf;
    params->newpsf  = newpsf;
    params->curve   = curve;
    params->segment = segment;

    params->newx1 = x1;
    params->newdx = dx;
    params->newk1 = k1;
    params->newk2 = k2;

    params->oldtype = XPro_PSFInfo(oldpsf, &(params->oldhw), &(params->oldpar));
    params->newtype = XPro_PSFInfo(newpsf, &(params->newhw), &(params->newpar));
    if (params->oldtype == 0 || params->newtype == 0) {
	XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) params);
	return NULL;

    (void) Pro_SeriesIndices(stat, &(params->oldk1), &(params->oldk2));
    (void) Pro_SeriesSampling(stat, &(params->oldx1), NULL, &(params->olddx));

    params->expand0 = params->newdx / params->olddx;

    (void) Pro_CurveExtremum(curve, segment-1, &(params->segment_min), NULL);
    (void) Pro_CurveExtremum(curve, segment,   &(params->segment_max), NULL);
    if (params->segment_min > params->segment_max) {
	temp                = params->segment_min;
	params->segment_min = params->segment_max;
	params->segment_max = temp;

    /* Create new weighted statistical series object */
    new = Pro_WeightedStat(stat, k1, k2, x1, dx,
                           ZPro_ResampledKRange, ZPro_ResampledWeights,
                           params, sizeof(ZPRO_RESAMPLED), TRUE,
    XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) params);

    /* Enslave old objects and check for errors */
    if (new != NULL && (XPro_EnslaveObject(new, curve)  ||
                        XPro_EnslaveObject(new, newpsf) ||
                        XPro_EnslaveObject(new, oldpsf))) {
	new = NULL;
/* NOTE: It is not necessary to enslave stat because Pro_WeightedStat()
 * does that for us!

    return new;

*$ Component_name:
*	Pro_ResampledSize (resample.c)
*$ Abstract:
*	This routine returns the size of a buffer needed for the series being
*	resampled.
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
*	RL_INT4		Pro_ResampledSize(series, oldpsf, newpsf, curve,
*			                  segment, r1, r2, dr);
*	PRO_OBJECT	*series, *oldpsf, *newpsf, *curve;
*	RL_INT4		segment;
*	RL_FLT8		r1, r2, dr;
*$ Inputs:
*	series		pointer to a series to resample.
*	oldpsf		pointer to the PSF of the original series, possibly
*			unnormalized, in units of series samples.
*	newpsf		pointer to the new PSF desired, possibly unnormalized,
*			in units of new series samples.
*	curve		pointer to the curve that evaluates new coordinate from
*			old.
*	segment		segment index of the curve to use for the resampling.
*	r1, r2, dr	new x coordinate limits and interval.
*$ Outputs:
*	none
*$ Returns:
*	the needed size of a series buffer, or 0 on error.
*$ Detailed_description:
*	This routine returns the size of a buffer needed for a series being
*	resampled.  The estimate is somewhat conservative to ensure the value
*	returned is adequate.
*	A buffer defines the finite subset of series that must be kept in memory
*	at any one time.  Buffers are used by buffered series (see buffer.c) and
*	by column series (see column.c).  It is very inefficient to filter or
*	resample a series when the size of the filter exceeds the segment of the
*	series kept in memory.  Hence, this routine is useful when one wishes to
*	determine how big a buffer to use before calling Pro_ResampledStat() to
*	create the resampled series.
*$ External_references:
*	Profile toolkit
*$ Side_effects:
*	none
*$ Examples:
*	Suppose we have a statistical series called stat containing a time
*	series of photon counts from a star during a ring occultation.  There is
*	no dead time between samples so the PSF is effectively a boxcar of unit
*	width.  We wish to resample the series into 1-km bins in the ring plane,
*	where each new sample is a uniform average of ring region falling within
*	a given bin.  The new radius limits will be 139000. and 141000. km. We
*	already have a monotonic curve called radius that maps from the series'
*	sampling parameter to radius projected into the ring plane.
*	integer*4	oldpsf, newpsf, resamp
*	oldpsf = FPro_BoxcarFunc(1.d0, 0.5d0)
*	newpsf = FPro_BoxcarFunc(1.d0, 0.5d0)
*	resamp = FPro_ResampledStat(oldpsf, newpsf, radius, 1, 139000.d0, 1.d0,
*     &			1, 2001)
*	At this point, resamp is a statistical series with the desired
*	properties.  Sample #1 gives the mean photon counts at 139000 km;
*	sample #2001 gives the mean counts at 141000 km.  Because it is a
*	statistical series, it is also possible to use Pro_StatCovar to
*	request the variances of samples and the covariances between samples.
*$ Error_handling:
*	Profile library error handling is in effect.
*	Conditions raised:
*	PRO_CLASS_ERROR		if series is NULL or is not a series;
*				if curve is NULL or not a curve;
*				if either psf is NULL or is not a function.
*	PRO_DOMAIN_ERROR	if segment is out of limits for curve.
*$ Limitations:
*	none
*$ Author_and_institution:
*	Mark R. Showalter
*	NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
*	1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
*	none

/* Number of steps to take when searching interval for minimum slope */
#define NSTEPS 50

RL_INT4		Pro_ResampledSize(series, oldpsf, newpsf, curve, segment,
		                  r1, r2, dr)
PRO_OBJECT	*series, *oldpsf, *newpsf, *curve;
RL_INT4		segment;
RL_FLT8		r1, r2, dr;
RL_FLT8		xr1, xr2, xtemp, min_drdx, drdx, x, xstep, size, dx, expand,
		oldwidth, newwidth;

    /* Find limits in old series' sampling parameter */
    xr1 = Pro_CurveInverse(curve, segment, r1);
    xr2 = Pro_CurveInverse(curve, segment, r2);
    if (xr1 == xr2) return 0;

    if (xr1 > xr2) {xtemp = xr1; xr1 = xr2; xr2 = xtemp;}

    /* Find minimum absolute value of slope within domain
     * Note that there is no Profile Tool to find an extremum of a slope.
     * Instead, we simply search the interval and assume the function is
     * not too perverse. */
    Pro_CurveValue(curve, xr1, &min_drdx);
    if (min_drdx < 0.) min_drdx = -min_drdx;

    xstep = (xr2 - xr1) / NSTEPS;
    for (x = xr2; x > xr1; x -= xstep) {
	Pro_CurveValue(curve, x, &drdx);
	if (drdx < 0.) drdx = -drdx;

	if (drdx < min_drdx) min_drdx = drdx;

    /* Now solve for the maximum expansion factor */
    size = Pro_SeriesSampling(series, NULL, NULL, &dx);
    if (size == 0.) return 0;
    expand = fabs(dr / (min_drdx * dx));

    /* Get the widths of the filter functions */
    newwidth = Pro_ObjectDomain(newpsf, NULL, NULL);
    if (newwidth == 0) return 0;

    oldwidth = Pro_ObjectDomain(oldpsf, NULL, NULL);
    if (oldwidth == 0) return 0;

    /* Return a conservative estimate of the needed samples */
    return 1 + (RL_INT4) (1.5 * (oldwidth + newwidth*expand));

* ZPro_ResampledKRange(knew, k1, k2, params)
* This internal routine returns the range of nonzero weights in the old series
* corresponding to a given index in the new series.
* Inputs:
*	newk		new index.
*	params		pointer to the ZPRO_RESAMPLED structure.
* Outputs:
*	k1, k2		range of indices in old series for which weight is
*			nonzero.

static void ZPro_ResampledKRange(newk, k1, k2, params)
RL_INT4		newk, *k1, *k2;
RL_VOID		*params;
RL_FLT8		newx, oldx, dydx, center, expand, sumhw;

    resamp = (ZPRO_RESAMPLED *) params;

    /* Map new psf center to X-coordinate in new series */
    newx = resamp->newx1 + (newk - resamp->newk1) * resamp->newdx;
    if (newx < resamp->segment_min || newx > resamp->segment_max) {
	*k1 = 1; *k2 = 0;

    /* Map new psf center to X-coordinate in old series */
    oldx = Pro_CurveInverse(resamp->curve, resamp->segment, newx);

    /* Map new psf center to sample index in old series */
    center = resamp->oldk1 + (oldx - resamp->oldx1) / resamp->olddx;

    /* Determine expansion factor between sample grids */
    (void) Pro_CurveValue(resamp->curve, oldx, &dydx);
    expand = fabs(resamp->expand0 / dydx);

    /* Determine halfwidth of convolved psfs */
    sumhw = resamp->oldhw + expand*resamp->newhw - 1.;

    /* Return rounded values */
    *k1 = (RL_INT4) floor(center - sumhw);
    *k2 = (RL_INT4)  ceil(center + sumhw);

* ZPro_ResampledWeight(knew, k, params)
* This internal routine returns the weight a sample in the old series has in the
* new series.
* Inputs:
*	newk		index in new series.
*	k		index in old series.
*	params		pointer to the ZPRO_RESAMPLED structure.
* Return:		weight value.

static RL_FLT8	ZPro_ResampledWeights(newk, k, params)
RL_INT4		newk, k;
RL_VOID		*params;
RL_FLT8		newx, oldx, dydx, center, expand;

    resamp = (ZPRO_RESAMPLED *) params;

    /* Map new psf center to X-coordinate in new series */
    newx = resamp->newx1 + (newk - resamp->newk1) * resamp->newdx;
    if (newx < resamp->segment_min || newx > resamp->segment_max) {
	return 0.;

    /* Map new psf center to X-coordinate in old series */
    oldx = Pro_CurveInverse(resamp->curve, resamp->segment, newx);

    /* Map new psf center to sample index in old series */
    center = resamp->oldk1 + (oldx - resamp->oldx1) / resamp->olddx;

    /* Determine expansion factor between sample grids */
    (void) Pro_CurveValue(resamp->curve, oldx, &dydx);
    expand = fabs(resamp->expand0 / dydx);

 * The integral we wish to return is
 *	f[k] = Integral[ oldpsf(x-k) newpsf((x-center)/expand) dx ]
 * The integral rearranges to
 *	f[k] = Integral[ oldpsf(x) newpsf((x+(k-center))/expand) dx ]

    return XPro_PSFInteg(resamp->oldtype, resamp->newtype,
			1./expand, (k-center)/expand,
			resamp->oldpar, resamp->newpar);

* ZPro_PrintResampled(params)
* This internal routine prints information about a resampled stat series.
* Inputs:
*	params		pointer to the ZPRO_RESAMPLED data structure.

static void	ZPro_PrintResampled(params)
RL_VOID		*params;
RL_INT4		i;

    resamp = (ZPRO_RESAMPLED *) params;

    /* Print resampled statistical series info... */
    printf("\nResampled statistical series parameters...\n");

    printf("      series = "); XPro_PrintInfo(resamp->stat);
    printf("original PSF = "); XPro_PrintInfo(resamp->oldpsf);
    printf("     new PSF = "); XPro_PrintInfo(resamp->newpsf);
    printf("       curve = "); XPro_PrintInfo(resamp->curve);
    printf("     segment = %d\n", resamp->segment);

*$ Component_name:
*	FPro_ResampledStat (resample.c)
*$ Abstract:
*	This routine resamples a statistical series so that it is uniformly
*	spaced in a new variable and based on a new point spread function (PSF).
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
*	integer*4	FPro_ResampledStat(stat, oldpsf, newpsf, curve, segment,
*					x1, dx, k1, k2)
*	integer*4	stat, oldpsf, newpsf, curve
*	integer*4	segment, k1, k2
*	real*8		x1, dx
*$ Inputs:
*	stat		FORTRAN pointer to a statistical series to resample.
*	oldpsf		FORTRAN pointer to the PSF of the original series,
*			possibly unnormalized, in units of series samples.
*	newpsf		FORTRAN pointer to the new PSF desired, possibly
*			unnormalized, in units of new series samples.
*	curve		FORTRAN pointer to the curve that evaluates new
*			coordinate from old.
*	segment		segment index of the curve to use for the resampling.
*	x1, dx		new x coordinate starting value and interval.
*	k1, k2		new range of indices.
*$ Outputs:
*	none
*$ Returns:
*	pointer to a new weighted statistical series; NULL on non-fatal error.
*$ Detailed_description:
*	This routine resamples a statistical series so that it is uniformly
*	spaced in a new variable and based on a new point spread function (PSF).
*	The returned statistical series is uniformly sampled in a new
*	coordinate, such that the give curve function converts from sampling
*	parameter of the original series to that of the new.  For example, if
*	you have a ring occultation profile sampled uniformly in time plus a
*	curve that converts from time to ring-plane intercept radius, you can
*	quickly generate a revised profile that is uniformly sampled in radius.
*	You can also specify the desired PSF of the new profile.  Since the
*	quantity returned is a statistical series, it remains possible to
*	relate the uncertainty in new samples to the uncertainties in the
*	original, and also to evaluate the covariances between new samples.
*$ External_references:
*	Profile toolkit
*$ Side_effects:
*	none
*$ Examples:
*	none
*$ Error_handling:
*	Profile library error handling is in effect.
*	Conditions raised:
*	RL_MEMORY_ERROR		on memory allocation failure.
*	PRO_CLASS_ERROR		if stat is NULL or is not a stat series;
*				if curve is NULL or not a curve;
*				if either psf is NULL or is not a supported
*					function.
*	PRO_COORD_MISMATCH	if curve xname does not match stat xname.
*	PRO_DOMAIN_ERROR	if segment is out of limits for curve.
*	FORTRAN_POINTER_ERROR	if any object is not a valid FORTRAN pointer.
*$ Limitations:
*	none
*$ Author_and_institution:
*	Mark R. Showalter
*	NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
*	1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
*	none

RL_INT4 FORTRAN_NAME(fpro_resampledstat) (stat, oldpsf, newpsf, curve, segment,
				x1, dx, k1, k2)
RL_INT4 *stat, *oldpsf, *newpsf, *curve;
RL_INT4	*segment, *k1, *k2;
RL_FLT8 *x1, *dx;
RL_INT4	index;
RL_VOID *statptr, *oldpsfptr, *newpsfptr, *curveptr, *newptr;

    /* Look up pointers */
    statptr = FORT_GetPointer(*stat);
    if (statptr == NULL) return 0;

    oldpsfptr = FORT_GetPointer(*oldpsf);
    if (oldpsfptr == NULL) return 0;

    newpsfptr = FORT_GetPointer(*newpsf);
    if (newpsfptr == NULL) return 0;

    curveptr = FORT_GetPointer(*curve);
    if (curveptr == NULL) return 0;

    /* Call function */
    newptr = (RL_VOID *) Pro_ResampledStat((PRO_OBJECT *) statptr,
			(PRO_OBJECT *) oldpsfptr, (PRO_OBJECT *) newpsfptr,
			(PRO_OBJECT *) curveptr, *segment,
			*x1, *dx, *k1, *k2);
    if (newptr == NULL) return 0;

    /* Save new pointer */
    index = FORT_AddPointer(newptr);
    if (index == 0) Pro_FreeObject((PRO_OBJECT *) newptr);

    return index;

*$ Component_name:
*	FPro_ResampledSize (resample.c)
*$ Abstract:
*	This routine returns the size of a buffer needed for the series being
*	resampled.
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
*	integer function FPro_ResampledSize(series, oldpsf, newpsf, curve,
*			                    segment, r1, r2, dr)
*	integer*4	series, oldpsf, newpsf, curve, segment
*	real*8		r1, r2, dr
*$ Inputs:
*	series		FORTRAN pointer to the series to resample.
*	oldpsf		FORTRAN pointer to the PSF of the original series,
*			possibly unnormalized, in units of series samples.
*	newpsf		FORTRAN pointer to the new PSF desired, possibly
*			unnormalized, in units of new series samples.
*	curve		FORTRAN pointer to the curve that evaluates new
*			coordinate from old.
*	segment		segment index of the curve to use for the resampling.
*	r1, r2, dr	new x coordinate limits and interval.
*$ Outputs:
*	none
*$ Returns:
*	the needed size of a series buffer, or 0 on error.
*$ Detailed_description:
*	This routine returns the size of a buffer needed for a series being
*	resampled.  The estimate is somewhat conservative to ensure the value
*	returned is adequate.
*	A buffer defines the finite subset of series that must be kept in memory
*	at any one time.  Buffers are used by buffered series (see buffer.c) and
*	by column series (see column.c).  It is very inefficient to filter or
*	resample a series when the size of the filter exceeds the segment of the
*	series kept in memory.  Hence, this routine is useful when one wishes to
*	determine how big a buffer to use before calling Pro_ResampledStat() to
*	create the resampled series.
*$ External_references:
*	Profile toolkit
*$ Side_effects:
*	none
*$ Examples:
*	none
*$ Error_handling:
*	Profile library error handling is in effect.
*	Conditions raised:
*	PRO_CLASS_ERROR		if series is NULL or is not a series;
*				if curve is NULL or not a curve;
*				if either psf is NULL or is not a function.
*	PRO_DOMAIN_ERROR	if segment is out of limits for curve.
*	FORTRAN_POINTER_ERROR	if any object is not a valid FORTRAN pointer.
*$ Limitations:
*	none
*$ Author_and_institution:
*	Mark R. Showalter
*	NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
*	1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
*	none

RL_INT4 FORTRAN_NAME(fpro_resampledsize) (series, oldpsf, newpsf, curve,
				          segment, r1, r2, dr)
RL_INT4 *series, *oldpsf, *newpsf, *curve, *segment;
RL_FLT8 *r1, *r2, *dr;
RL_VOID *seriesptr, *oldpsfptr, *newpsfptr, *curveptr, *newptr;

    /* Look up pointers */
    seriesptr = FORT_GetPointer(*series);
    if (seriesptr == NULL) return 0;

    oldpsfptr = FORT_GetPointer(*oldpsf);
    if (oldpsfptr == NULL) return 0;

    newpsfptr = FORT_GetPointer(*newpsf);
    if (newpsfptr == NULL) return 0;

    curveptr = FORT_GetPointer(*curve);
    if (curveptr == NULL) return 0;

    /* Call function */
    return Pro_ResampledSize((PRO_OBJECT *) seriesptr,
		(PRO_OBJECT *) oldpsfptr, (PRO_OBJECT *) newpsfptr,
		(PRO_OBJECT *) curveptr, *segment,
		*r1, *r2, *dr);
