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PDS_VERSION_ID                  = PDS3
RECORD_TYPE                     = STREAM
                                   D. OLSON, 2003-12-31"

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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Lindal, G.F., G.E. Wood, H.B. Hotz,
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  REFERENCE_KEY_ID              = "LINDALETAL1990"
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END_OBJECT                      = REFERENCE

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OBJECT                          = REFERENCE
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OBJECT                          = REFERENCE
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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Simpson, R.A., G.L. Tyler, E.A.
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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Simpson, R.A., G.L. Tyler, E.A.
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OBJECT                          = REFERENCE
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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Stone, E.C., and A.L. Lane, Voyager
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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Stone, E.C., and E.D. Miner,
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 REFERENCE_KEY_ID               = "STONE&MINER1986"
 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Stone, E.C., and E.D. Miner,
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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Tyler, G. L., E.A. Marouf, and G.E.
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END_OBJECT                      = REFERENCE

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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Tyler, G. L., V.R. Eshleman, J.D.
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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Tyler, G. L., V.R. Eshleman, J.D.
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 REFERENCE_DESC                 = "Tyler, G.L., Sweetnam, D.N.,
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