This bundle is one of a large set of bundles each of which contains data files associated with a single occultation observation of the Uranian system. In addition there is a support bundle which contains supporting documentation and the underlying Uranian ring models used in the preparation of the data bundles. The document collection of the support bundle contains a detailed, comprehensive User Guide which provides an overview of the earth-based Uranus stellar occultations in the PDS. The most current version of the entire support bundle may be obtained from PDS using the logical identifier: urn:nasa:pds:uranus_occ_support The most current version of the User Guide may be obtained from PDS using the logical identifier: urn:nasa:pds:uranus_occ_support:document:earth-based-uranus-stellar-occultations-user-guide or by browsing the support bundle at the PDS Ring-Moon Systems node: