rfrench@Achilles.local:/Volumes/PromisePegasus28TB_backup/dione_raid2/Research/uranus/PDART2014/programs/pro_rp_fit_sqw_batch_pds4_v3.pro run Tue Apr 13 21:40:10 2021 bundleID: uranus_occ_u36_ctio_400cm Parameter file list command: cd /Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/uranus/u36/profile_fits/ctio/sqw/final/; ls u36_ctio_400cm_2200nm_ring_*gress.sqw Run flags: PLOT = 1 SAVE = 1 OUTFITLIST = 1 DIAGNOSTICS = 0 ZEROFINAL = 0 FT2EWED = 1 Event: u36 Observatory: ctio Telescope: 400cm Instrument: Generic InSb High Speed Photometer Ring: alpha Ingress/Egress: egress SQW parameter file: u36_ctio_400cm_2200nm_ring_alpha_egress.sqw ---------------------------------------------------------------- DATA FILE_INFORMATION HSP File "u36_ctio_egress.hsp" Created on 2020 07 12 at 09 10 58 U36 CTIO 4m atmosphere egress Obs:1987 04 02 04:28:04.110000 UT-clk: 0.0000s dur: 2757.400s int: 0.010000s File: clock-start: 04:28:04.110000 dur: 27296.480s avgd at: 0.010000 s File data are from 1987 APR 02 04:28:04.11000 to 1987 APR 02 12:03:00.59000 Observation from 1987 APR 02 04:28:04.11000 to 1987 APR 02 05:14:01.51000 Ch: 1 (2200nm) data format: short (per unit along abcissa) Channel to Fit :1 Seconds to Skip: 21386.45000 Seconds to Read: 32.00000 Seconds to Avg.: 0.10000 Pts to Skip: 2138645 Pts to Read: 3200 Pts to Avg.: 10 Model File: u36ctae.rpp_model.hsp ---------------------------------------------------------------- EVENT INFORMATION Occultation Date: 1987 04 01 Telescope: ctio Instrument: Generic InSb High Speed Photometer Occulted Object: u36 Ring Name: Alpha Ingress/Egress flag: E Ring Plane Radial Velocity (km/s) : 1.06749 Sine of Orientation Angle of Ring Plane : 0.97764 Observer to Ring Distance (km) : 2828884641.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- SQUARE WELL MODEL INFORMATION Number of Mesh Points: 9 Smooth over Integration Time? Y Wavelength File: 22000_ctio.wl Double Pole Time Constant Function Duration of Time Constant Function (sec): 0.00000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- perform_rp_fit_sqw Run on Tue Apr 13 21:40:10 2021 SQUARE WELL MODEL FIT RESULTS 4 parameters fitted until epsilon < 1.000E-10 or 100 iterations Fit converged after 1 iterations Fit converged after 0.11 seconds Sum of squared residuals = 474216.231544 RMS residual PDF = 38.738666 counts/sec RMS residual PDF = 0.077477 in units of stellar flux Analytic derivatives Parameter Initial Value Final Value Std. Dev. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MID_TIME(s) * 21402.637280 21402.637280 0.033518 MID_TIME(UTC) * 10:24:46.7473 10:24:46.7473 0.033518 WIDTH(s) * 5.777485 5.777485 0.077900 WIDTH(km) * 6.167419 6.167419 0.083157 V_PERP(km/s) 1.062051 1.062051 STAR_CTS(/s) 500.000000 500.000000 BASE_CTS(/s) * 781.779385 781.779385 2.437031 FRACTRANS * 0.447926 0.447926 0.012251 STARDIAM(s) 0.612022 0.612022 STARDIAM(km) 0.649999 0.649999 SLOPE 0.000000 0.000000 EQ_WIDTH(s) 3.189601 3.189601 EQ_WIDTH(km) 3.328738 3.328738 EQ_DEPTH(s) 4.640059 4.640059 EQ_DEPTH(km) 4.842468 4.842468 LIMB_DARKEN 0.000000 0.000000 TIME_CON(s) 0.000000 0.000000 TIME_CON(km) 0.000000 0.000000 R_DOT(km/s) 1.067492 1.067492 SIN_B 0.977639 0.977639 Correlation matrix MT WI BC FT MT 1.00 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 WI -0.00 1.00 0.14 0.29 BC -0.00 0.14 1.00 -0.38 FT 0.00 0.29 -0.38 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Results saved in /Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/uranus/u36/profile_fits/ctio/sqw/final/savefiles/ u36_ctio_400cm_2200nm_ring_alpha_egress.sqw.sav ----------------------------------------------------------------