>  From: Luke Dones [lukemeister@comcast.net]

>  Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 10:45 PM

>  To: Mitch Gordon

>  Subject: RE: Saturn Satellite Astrometry Archive


>  Dear Mitch: I looked at all the files in the archive, and found no substantial problems. I thought all of the comments that Bob Jacobson sent you many moons ago were cogent.


>  When I was visiting Dick & Colleen at Wellesley in early June, Dick mentioned a possible minor bug in his astrometry routines. You might want to ask him about this when you see him next week.  I did wonder, independent of this issue, whether Dick could supply the IDL code used to perform the reductions. I know you're out of time on this data set (due to my delays), but it would be great if the reduction code were supplied in future releases of astrometry data.


These will be addressed in a planned later version of the data set.



>  (Very) minor problems:


>  Top-level directory:


>  (1) AAREADME.TXT: Change Dick French's email address to rfrench@wellesley.edu.




>  (2) ERRATA.TXT: Change "no know" to "no known".




>  (3) VOLDESC.CAT: Change contact info since Mitch is no longer working for the PDS :-(


Updated Ð Mitch is back.


>  CATALOG directory:


>  (1) INST.CAT: Planetary camera is referred to as f/30 one time, f/28.3 another time. This is not explained until near the end of the document.


The first reference is to the wide field and planetary camera 1 instrument which identified the spherical aberration in the HST mirror. This paragraph has been retained for completeness with an attempt to make it clear that it does not refer to the WFPC2 instrument which is described in detail. The dataset only incorporates data obtained using the WFPC2.


>  (2) INSTHOST.CAT: TDRS is referred to as TDRSS on one occasion. Also it should be "Marshall Space [Flight] Center".




>  (3) MISSION.CAT: Dates of future servicing missions are out-of-date.


The MISSION.CAT was replaced.


>  (4) PERSON.CAT: Mitch's info should be updated.




Luke's address at SwRI is now Suite 400, not 426.




>  DATA/EASYDATA directory: no errors noted.

>  DATA/SORCDATA directory: no errors noted.


>  Best regards and have a good trip to Wellesley!

>    Luke