From: Date: April 5, 2007 10:22:06 AM PDT To:, Cc:, Subject: CIRS comments Mitch and Mark, I have taken a not-as-detailed-as-I-would-like look at a sample of the reformatted CIRS data. My main comment is that it looks like it's in really good shape and I want to thank you guys for putting forth the effort to get the CIRS data into something more usable for the community. A couple random PDS comments: - As I noted to Mitch yesterday, there are some double quotes in DATASET.CAT that should be single quotes. - I really don't think FMT files should be used for INDEX TABLEs. You're using a separate FMT for each index anyway so why bother? - I'm not all that thrilled with the explicit FILE object labelling method. Are you trying to be consistent with the original labels or is it just because you wanted to have both ASCII and BINARY tables for everything? If it's the second, then I could come up with a reasonable alternative to using the FILE object but I'll raise that in a telecon. Again, well done. Lyle Huber PDS Atmospheres Node