From: Imke de Pater [] Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 12:05 PM Mitch, Mark: I went through it; here is a review: -- Review of the CD containing the WHT ring plane crossing data. The file aareadme.txt contains all the relevant information that one needs to examine the contents of the CD, with pointers as where to find more detailed information on specific files. I made a number a point-checks to such files, and did not see anything obviously missing from the information. Mainring: The browse files are good to include, but because of the low contrast ring-planet the usefulness is quite limited. It is extremely hard to catch both details of the ring s and planet in the same image. The images are therefore much more useful. The cal-images read fine into IDL. If one would prefer to redo the calibration, all information is contained in the calib directory. That is filter profiles are given in pdf and ps format. I noticed that came out half, while the pdf file contained the entire profile. E-Ring: The easyisis/ contains spectra. Raw data and calibration files are also included. Suggestions for improvements: I had problems in identifying files for calibration purposes. It would be useful to have a simple file indicating what the various images/files for calibration purposes are, such as sky, calibrator star, which star, etc; both for the images and spectra. Also, the labels of the processed images spectral files appear to be 2D in raw form; is the final product integrated over this? I hope this is helpful, Imke