> -----Original Message----- > From: Doug Hamilton [mailto:hamilton@astro.umd.edu] > Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 3:30 PM > To: Mitch Gordon > Subject: RE: WHT Peer review > > > > Dear Mitch, > > Here, at last, is my long delayed review of the WHT E-ring data set > submitted to the PDS. It looks to be in very good shape; the observers > and the PDS have taken great care to keep things neat and > organized. Everything that I looked for is there, from a description > of the instrument and telescope to the production details of the > calibrated data. I found the mission objectives to be particularly > useful; putting myself in the place of an interested scientist 20 > years from now, one of the first things I might want to know is what > the observer was looking for. > > I went though all of the raw, calibrated, and gif images using the > Linux program "xv" to display the data. I also scanned all of the text > files to get an overview of what comprises the data set. Everything > appears to be in order. Below I have collected miscellaneous comments, > all of them minor, that could be addressed. None of them should > require much effort. > > Again, apologies on the tardiness of this review. > > Cheers, > Doug > > DIRECTORY: /MAINRING/CALIMAGE > > These files, created on Dec 3 2003, don't seem to be part of the data > set. Should they be removed? > > cim-grep > mr-ci-list > mr-ci-list~ Yes. They have been removed. > DIRECTORY: /E_RING/CALISIS > I was not able to display these images: > > F161237C.IMG > F161238C.IMG > F161245C.IMG > F161246C.IMG We identified and corrected an error in the labels that prevented display for some software. > DIRECTORY: /CALIB/API > > These images below can be displayed, but they appear garbled. Can > the observer comment on what has happened here? > > F161074R.IMG > F161076R.IMG > F161077R.IMG These were bad files (problems with the observations). Each was identified by the observers at the time and duplicate observations were made. The corrupted files have been removed from the data set. > SPELLING ERRORS: > > CATALOG/APIINST.CAT occuppied -> occupied > CATALOG/DATASET.CAT substraction -> subtraction > DOCUMENT/OBS_LOG.TXT seening -> seeing > DOCUMENT/OBS_LOG.TXT substraction -> subtraction > DOCUMENT/FITSINFO.ASC > exampleof > valuesmay > anticipatedthat > Animportant All have been corrected, except those in FITSINFO.ASC which was originally published elsewhere and is include here 'as is'. > Why is the "Title:" field in CATALOG/DATASET.CAT "Unknown" for the WHT > proposal? Can this be tracked down? Neither the P.I. nor any member of the team can provide a title. This data set was the result of a proposal to the U.K. Particle Physics and Astronomy Panel. Different forms and procedures than in the U.S. There may never have been a "title" for the proposal.