From: Doug Hamilton [] Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 3:30 PM To: Mitch Gordon Subject: RE: WHT Peer review Dear Mitch, Here, at last, is my long delayed review of the WHT E-ring data set submitted to the PDS. It looks to be in very good shape; the observers and the PDS have taken great care to keep things neat and organized. Everything that I looked for is there, from a description of the instrument and telescope to the production details of the calibrated data. I found the mission objectives to be particularly useful; putting myself in the place of an interested scientist 20 years from now, one of the first things I might want to know is what the observer was looking for. I went though all of the raw, calibrated, and gif images using the Linux program "xv" to display the data. I also scanned all of the text files to get an overview of what comprises the data set. Everything appears to be in order. Below I have collected miscellaneous comments, all of them minor, that could be addressed. None of them should require much effort. Again, apologies on the tardiness of this review. Cheers, Doug DIRECTORY: /MAINRING/CALIMAGE These files, created on Dec 3 2003, don't seem to be part of the data set. Should they be removed? cim-grep mr-ci-list mr-ci-list~ DIRECTORY: /E_RING/CALISIS I was not able to display these images: F161237C.IMG F161238C.IMG F161245C.IMG F161246C.IMG DIRECTORY: /CALIB/API These images below can be displayed, but they appear garbled. Can the observer comment on what has happened here? F161074R.IMG F161076R.IMG F161077R.IMG SPELLING ERRORS: CATALOG/APIINST.CAT occuppied -> occupied CATALOG/DATASET.CAT substraction -> subtraction DOCUMENT/OBS_LOG.TXT seening -> seeing DOCUMENT/OBS_LOG.TXT substraction -> subtraction DOCUMENT/FITSINFO.ASC exampleof valuesmay anticipatedthat Animportant Why is the "Title:" field in CATALOG/DATASET.CAT "Unknown" for the WHT lost forever proposal? Can this be tracked down?