Recommendations: 1) The disk should be organized by target body, not by CDROM volume. I wanted to copy all the Iapetus images and had to hunt for the Iapetus directories and change directory several times in order to copy the files. 2) All the documentation should be in one directory and not duplicated in many directories. Reference is made to the Voyager Calibration Report. This document could be easily scanned and included on the disk as could other documents. 3) The disk needs a picture catalog to help the user select the images he wants to use. The disk also needs SEDR data to help with further processing. 4) It would be handy to have an file of each image in a common computer format, like jpg or gif. 5) It would be handy to include some Voyager-specific NAIF routines and kernels if space permits. There was 27GB of free space on the hard drive. Joel Mosher