Subject: Voyager Volume Comments Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 13:24:49 -0800 From: John Diehl To: Mitch Gordon December 8, 2006 Dear Mitch, I have completed my review of the Voyager volumes. On every volume, there was no CATINFO.TXT file in the DOCUMENT sub-directory. This is required. On every volume there was no cumulative index. This is required. As far as the format of the files. I have attached a zipped tar file with what I found on each volume. The file names on the tar file are of the form testlinVgIssxx, where the xx inidcates the volume number for which the comments are intended. Let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, John Diehl -- John Martin Diehl Software Architect John.M.Diehl..... 168-514 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Tel: California Institute of Technology Fax: 4800 Oak Grove Drive Cell: Pasadena, CA 91109 JPL Disclaimer - All personal and professional opinions presented herein are my own and do not, in any way, represent the opinion or policy of JPL.