VG_2801 Peer Review Summary

Voyager PPS Ring Occultation Data Set
Mark Showalter
September 30, 2003

This data set has just been delivered to the Central Node for final ingestion into the PDS. Thank you very much to the hardy souls who submitted peer reviews. The final version is on line as an expanded directory tree VG_2801 or as a single, downloadable zip file (75 Mbytes).

Overview of Changes

The most extensive set of changes since the peer review release have been as follows:

In support of a user's request, we created a new VECTORS directory. It contains tables of positional information about the ring intercept point and the spacecraft position as a function of time during each occultation experiment. The vectors are provided in several useful coordinate frames:

These files can be used to generate geometric information not otherwise found in the geometry footprint models provided earlier. For example, it becomes easy to figure out the true anomaly of the ring intercept point on an eccentric/inclined ring.

Software tools have been cleaned up and better documented, so that users can build them more easily. In addition, we have provided some very simple FORTRAN and C programs in the SOFTWARE directory for reading data records from the binary EDITDATA files.

Labels have been extensively rewritten to contain more information and to show greater consistency from directory to directory. The labels are also now much more consistent across all three Voyager ring occultation data sets: PPS, UVS and RSS.

Additional changes reflect issues that have come up more recently in the Central Node's pre-peer review of the UVS and RSS data sets. Although these issues were not raised in the Central Node's PPS review (from the distant past), they are clearly issues that should be addressed now.

Detailed Responses to Reviewers' Comments

Follow these links for each reviewer's comments and my detailed, point-by-point response. I believe we have responded to essentially every criticism and have adopted nearly every suggestion.
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