>To: "Mitch Gordon" >From: Amara Graps >Subject: RE: PPS Peer review >Cc: Amara.Graps@mpi-hd.mpg.de, SHOWALTER@ringside.arc.nasa.gov, > nicholson@astrosun.astro.cornell.edu > > >Evaluation of PDS PPS Data Archive > >by Amara Graps >amara.graps@mpi-hd.mpg.de or amara@amara.com >Heidelberg Cosmic Dust Group >Max-Planck-Institut fŸr Kernphysik >Heidelberg, Germany >August 2002 > > >The materials that I used to evaluate the CD is mostly contained in >eleven Voyager notebooks (Six for Saturn dated June 1982 to April >1986, and five for Uranus dated January 1986 to February 1995) and >one box of file folders. Since I have this material, and I've >transported it with me these last 20 years, and the information is >unique, I was compelled to use it. Well and good, but unfortunately >the time to evaluate took longer than I thought, which I didn't know >until I got into it, and began checking files (discovering that a >large number of star calibrations were from me). I needed about a >week to do this evaluation properly, and so now this is the result. > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- >Question > >Mark, in December 1999, I wrote you notes regarding the Saturn star >calibration data files, and I said in my letter that I would xerox >pages from my notebooks for you. Did I do that? If not, do you still >want it? I marked those (~20) pages, in the last week. Yes, files were provided. > >For Near Future > >If you have questions or you need more information, which I have >with me in my notebooks, I suggest asking before October 2002, >because I will moving (Heidelberg->Rome) in November/December, and >for some months my notebooks will be in storage and might not be >accessible. > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- > >I have organized this evaluation in the following way, with the most >emphasis on the data contents. > >Evaluation of: > >* Data Contents * details in separate attachment >* Ease of Use >* Given Tutorial (DOCUMENT/TUTORIAL.TXT) >* Working through a past example * details in separate attachment > >======================================================================= > >Evaluation of: > >------------------------------------------------------------------- >* Data Contents >------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Details are provided in the accompanying file: >'DetailedEvaluation.txt' > >SUMMARY: > >I think that the data on this disk is very well-organized, the >directory structure is logical and I like the file naming convention >because it is sensible and flexible. The data files which were >formatted ASCII were easy to examine, extract and manipulate, however >the binary formatted files proved to be a problem for me. I am not >familiar with OAL, and I don't know if this is the normal way to >extract files such as those binary files. If it is, then I am behind >the times, and I should get up to speed on this approach. Instead, my >attempt to read and extract some binary data was with an edited (for >Unix) version of one of the supplementary programs provided in the >'Processing Software' portion of this disk, and, unfortunately, the >read failed, and I don't know why. > >The labels for each of the data files was easy to understand, the >'Contents' file for each directory was useful, important (thank you) >and also easy to understand. All of the processing steps illustrating >the procedure from raw to 'final' product was clear. > >In several places where I could check the values of the data, I did. I >found one discrepancy with the background values of the PS1CO1.TAB >file. Since I thought the discrepancy might be due to differences >between JPL and LASP in their PROCCS record numbering, to check that, >I looked at a familiar region, the Encke Gap, in order to see if the >background that you have stored is the proper one. It looked OK. I >might be useful to mention somewhere that the PROCCS numbering changed >? (for viewers like me who used the old JPL numbering) I have noted the change in record numbers near the top of EDITDATA/DATAINFO.TXT. > >I was very happy to see my favorite Saturn GS-3 mode stellar >occultation (that part at the end of the main OC-1 mode) become part >of the standard data archive. I didn't know that I was the only owner >of that data, and seeing it described on this disk in the way that it >was, was a pleasant surprise. > >I was disappointed to not see the any of the Saturn PPS 0.1 km 0.2 km >0.5 km resolution in ASCII form stored, even though I understand that >these files could be very large, and it is likely expect the casual >user of EASYDATA would not be interested in these high resolution >files. I agree that there is no reason to exclude 0.2-km and 0.5-km Saturn occultation data, so these files has been added to the EASYDATA directory tree. I did not include 0.1-km sampling because that exceeds the intrinsic sampling of some of the data. > >I am not sure that the given geometry (range) information is accurate >enough, since we we are given one range per record, and must >interpolate between the 600 points in a record. The tools we use carry out cubic spline interpolation, which is extremely accurate for interpolation across 600-point records. Even linear interpolation is unlikely to yield errors of more than ~1 meter. This is now noted in the text of GEOMETRY/GEOMINFO.TXT. > >I didn't see several 1981 star calibration files (that I thought >existed) for the stars alpha Lyr, an alpha Cma, and an alpha Leo. I did not find any other calibration data among the files you provided. I also checked with Karen Simmons but she was unable to provide additional calibration files. If any turn up, we can always create a supplemental archive. > >I have provided more information if that would be useful. I have given >more information for some files in the RAWDATA directory. In >appendices to 'DetailedEvaluation, I have given Uranus PPS inferred >PPS background and star values (publ in Graps et al., 1995), Uranus >PPS published calibration and equivalent depths (to compare with >above), more limit cycle information, a LWE memo of background at >Uranus due to off-axis light, and notes for delta Sco star calibration >raw counts as a function of electronics temperature. > >------------------------------------------------------------------- >* Ease of Use >------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >SUMMARY: The binary data extraction was a problem for me, otherwise I >give the highest marks for ease of use of this CD. > >* Given Tutorial (DOCUMENT/TUTORIAL.TXT) > >SUMMARY: I thought that this file would be an example "walk-through" >to extract data, and it isn't. However, it is the most important file >after 'AAREADME.TXT', and gives the most important information that I >think a user needs. > >------------------------------------------------------------------- >* Working through a past example >------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Uranus ring data extraction and manipulation > >Task: Extract three cuts of the Epsilon ring, and compute the >eccentricity of the outer edge of the ring using radiuses and >longitudes. (roughly) > >Answer: eccentricity = 9.7 E-03 > >(Uranus Notebook #1,pg. 26 = eccentricity = 8.24622E-03, >Elliot&Nicholson, _Planetary Rings_ = 7.94E-03) > >So then, same magnitude as 'right answer', but off, due to only >working with very few significant digits, and lower resolution of the >cuts used here, especially BPI. This can be improved using closer-to >the highest resolution data. > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Giving subjective evaluation numbers, from scale of 1 to 10: > >* Data Contents 9.5 (weighted most) >* Ease of Use 9.0 >* Given Tutorial (DOCUMENT/TUTORIAL.TXT) 7.0 >* Working through a past example 9.0 > > --> Very Good > >Amara Graps > >-- > >************************************************************************ >Amara Graps, PhD | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik >Heidelberg Cosmic Dust Group | Saupfercheckweg 1 >+49-6221-516-543 | 69117 Heidelberg, GERMANY >Amara.Graps@mpi-hd.mpg.de * http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/dustgroup/~graps >************************************************************************ >I'M SIGNIFICANT!...screamed the dust speck. -- Calvin > >Attachment converted: Data:WorkingPastEx.txt (TEXT/R*ch) (00044250) >Attachment converted: Data:DetailedEvaluation.txt (TEXT/R*ch) (00044251)