***** References ***** (4a) Per the Standards, PDS uses the AGU format for references. There are a whole bunch of errors in the REF.CAT file. It is easier and will take less time to just edit your REF.CAT than it will be to document all the errors. See the new REF.CAT attached. However . . . do need clarification on the following: (4b) ANDERSONETAL1987A This reference is already in the data dictionary as ANDERSONETAL1987B. Two differences between what is already ingested and what is on volume: (1) Volume reference, "...Preliminary Results..." Ingested reference, "...Results..." ("Preliminary" missing) (2) Volume reference, "...and 5 Principal..." Ingested reference, "...and Five Principal..." Check title to see if "Preliminary" is in title and if "5" is a digit or spelled out. (4c) ANDERSONETAL1987B This reference is already in the data dictionary as ANDERSONETAL1987. Two differenced between what is already ingested and what is on volume. Need to find out correct citation and ingest that one. (1) Authors are different between two citations, all names are there in both, but order is different. (2) Ingested reference has page numbers as "L141-L143" and volume reference has page numbers as "141-143". Which is correct? Check order of author names and page numbers. (4d) BIRDETAL1997 Reference in data dictionary is imporperly formed, (i.e. words in title that should be capitalized are not). Volume reference is correct. Re-ingest. (4e) BENNER1997, BURATTI1997, CUNNINGHAM1997, CUZZIETAL1984 In data dictionary and this volume as . . . BENNER1997 "...in Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences, J.H. Shirley and R.W. Fairbridge, editors, Chapman and Hall, London, 1997." BURATTI1997 "...in Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences (J.H. Shirley and R.W. Fairbridge, editors), London: Chapman and Hall, 1997." CUNNINGHAM1997 "...in Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences (J.H. Shirley and R.W. Fairbridge, editors), London: Chapman and Hall, 1997." Changed to conform to AGU/PDS citation standards. See attached. CUZZIETAL1984 As above, which is correct? (Editors in "()" and "pp.") Data dictionary "Cuzzi, J.N., J.J. Lissauer, L.W. Esposito, J.B. Holberg, E.A. Marouf, G.L. Tyler, and A. Boischot, Saturn's Rings: Properties and Processes, in Planetary Rings, R. Greenberg and A. Brahic, eds., University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 73-199, 1984." This volume "Cuzzi, J.N., J.J. Lissauer, L.W. Esposito, J.B. Holberg, E.A. Marouf, G.L. Tyler, and A. Boischot, Saturn's Rings: Properties and Processes, in Planetary Rings (R. Greenberg and A. Brahic, Eds.), University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 73-199, 1984." (4f) DSN810-5 Is there a publication date/year for this document? (4g) ESHLEMANETAL1977 This volume has "G.S. Levy" as a co-author and the data dictionary reference does not have him/her as a co-author. Should he be included? (4h) ESHLEMANETAL1979A This reference already in the data dictionary as ESHLEMANETAL1979. (4i) ESHLEMANETAL1983 The proper words in title should be capitalized. They are not. (4j) ESPOSITOETAL1983A This reference already in data dictionary, and the reference on this volume does not have the title words capitalized. Fix so as not to "update" upon ingestion. (4k) ESPOSITOETAL1991 and FRENCHETAL1991 Edited to conform to AGU/PDS citation standards. See attached. (4l) FRENCHETAL1993 Last word in title not capitalized. (4m) GRAPSETAL1995 Some words in title not capitalized. Fixed. See attached. (4n) GRESHETAL1989 Data dictionary: Gresh, D.L., E.A. Marouf, G.L. Tyler, P.A. Rosen, and R.A. Simpson, Voyager Radio Occultation by Uranus Rings - I. Observational Results, Icarus, 78, 131-168, 1989. This volume: Gresh, D.L., E.A. Marouf, G.L. Tyler, P.A. Rosen, and R.A. Simpson, Voyager Radio Occultation by Uranus' Rings I: Observational Results, Icarus, 78, 131-168, 1989. Diff is "Uranus Rings - I." and "Uranus' Rings I:". Which is correct? (4o) GURROLA1995 Edited to conform to AGU/PDS citation standards, (location of institution). See attached. (4p) HUIETAL1991 Some words in title not capitalized. Fixed. See attached. (4q) KRISHERETAL1990 Data dictionary reference different from reference on this volume. Title different as well as volume info. Which is correct? Data dictionary reference: Krisher, T.P., J.D. Anderson, and J.K. Campbell, Test of the Gravitational Redshift Effects at Saturn, Physical Review Letters, 64, No. 12, 1990. This volume reference: Krisher, T.P., J.D. Anderson, and J.K. Campbell, Test of the Gravitational Redshift Effect at Saturn, Physical Review Letters, 64, 1322-1325, 1990. Two differences are: "Effects" and "Effect" and: "64, No. 12, 1990" and "64, 1322-1325, 1990" (4r) LEVYETAL1981 Data dictionary author is "L.L. Tyler", this volume has "G.L. Tyler". Which is correct? (Note: LINDALETAL1981 and LINDALETAL1983 has "G. L. Tyler", so that one is probably correct. His name is coming up a lot. The data dictionary reference is "wrong".) Reingest. Title word not capitalized on this volume, but is in data dictionary. Fixed. See attached. (4s) LINDALETAL1981 Data dictionary has volume "86A", this volume has "86". Which is correct? (4t) LINDALETAL1987 Data dictionary has "...Voyager 2 spacecraft, Journal..." this volume has "...Voyager 2, Journal...". Which is the correct title? If it does indeed include "spacecraft", it should be "Spacecraft". (4u) LINDALETAL1990 Data dictionary does not capitalize words in title. The reference on this volume does. Injest this version to "fix" data dictionary. (4v) MAROUF&TYLER1982 Reference on this volume does not have appropriate commas. Fixed. See attached. (4w) MAROUFETAL1983 Titles different between data dictionary and this volume. Which is correct? (Note: reference pub, vol, pp., and year same.) If the title on this volume is correct name, appropriate words need to be capitalized. (Fixed, see attached.) Data dictionary: "Particle Size Distributions in Saturn's Rings at Wavelengths of 3.6 and 13 cm from Voyager 1 Radio Occultation" This volume: "On obtaining the forward phase functions of Saturn ring features from radio occultation observations" (4x) MAROUF&TYLER1985 Data dictionary has: "...Research, 5, No. 8, 117-120, 1985." This volume has: "...Research, 5, 117-120, 1985." Which is correct? Isn't "5" the volume number? (4y) ROSENETAL1991A and ROSENETAL1991B Some words in title not capitalized. Fixed, see attached. (4z) SIMPSONETAL1984 SIMPSONETAL1984 is already in the data dictionary, but the ref on this volume is completely different. Is this a new reference? If so, it needs to be renamed "SIMPSONETAL1984B". (4aa) SIMPSONETAL1983B Some words not capitalized in title. Fixed, see attached. (4ab) TYLERETAL1981A This is a new reference. TYLERETAL1981 already exists, (this volume has as TYLERETAL1981B.) This reference should be labeled, "TYLERETAL1981B". Fixed, see attached. (4ac) TYLERETAL1981B This reference is already in the data dictionary as "TYLERETAL1981". Renamed, see attached. There are two differences between the ref in the data dictionary and the one on this volume: data dictionary has: "...of Jupiteros Rings:..." this volume has: "...of Jupiter's Rings:..." The ref on this new volume is correct, reingest. And... data dictionary has: "...Research, 86A, 8699-8703,..." this volume has: "...Research, 86, 8699-8703,..." which is correct? Fix and reingest. (4ad) TYLERETAL1983 Data dictionary has: "3.6 and13 cm" and this volume has "3.6 and 13 cm". Reference in data dictionary is incorrect, reingest with the reference from this volume. (4ae) TYLERETAL1986 Data dictionary reference correct. The reference on this volume is missing a space. Fixed, see attached. "Science, 233,79-84, 1986." changed to "Science, 233, 79-84, 1986." (4af) ZEBKERETAL1983 Reference in data dictionary correct. Version on this volume does not have words in title capitalized. Fixed, see attached. (4ag) ZEBKER&TYLER1984 Version of reference in data dictionary does not follow AGU/PDS standards. Version on this volume does not capitalize words in title. Fix and reingest.