Becker-Jarmak Solar Occultations Peer Review

Mitch Gordon, Mia Mace, and Matt Tiscareno
September 23, 2022


This bundle contains derived time series resulting from occultations (ingress and egress) of the sun by the rings of Saturn observed by the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph.

Details on the processing that results in the data files included in this bundle are given in Jarmak, et al., 2022.

[Jarmak, et al., 2022. Solar occultation observations of Saturn's rings with Cassini UVIS. Icarus 388, 115237 (link). ]

Data Bundle

The file structure of the PDS4 bundle is shown below:

The complete peer review bundle (cdap2018_becker_saturn_ring_particles_V11) is online here. The derived solar occultation time series data products for scientific review reside in the data/ directory, and comprise 41 tables (suffix .tab) with accompanying XML PDS4 labels.

Instructions for Reviewers

Here are guidelines and some information to help you produce an effective review with a reasonable level of effort.

There are three general areas in which an archive is reviewed:

If you are not one of the panel members with a direct affiliation with the PDS, you do not need to address the first bullet above, but rather focus on the data (including ancillary data) and documentation.

While it is not realistic for you to analyze every occultation profile, please check enough to convince yourself of the quality and consistency of the data and of any errors that you encounter.

Please also evaluate the documentation provided in individual table labels, and referenced journal articles. Much of the information contained in the referenced articles is not duplicated in the data sets.

Questions to ask are:

The review panel members submit written reviews by email. If necessary, a video conference may be held to discuss the reviews, including strengths and weaknesses of the data set. Specific shortcomings and errors will be identified as "liens", which will need to be corrected. The review panel is responsible for making a recommendation on whether:

In addition to an overall recommendation, the chair (Mitch) will compile a list of "liens" – questions about or requests for change – in the archive design or products/bundle. The liens must be resolved before the associated data set can be archived.

Reviewers' Submitted Comments

Initial Responses

Review Outcome

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