Voyager RSS Jupiter Raw Data Peer Review

Mia Mace, Mitch Gordon, and Matt Tiscareno
April, 2023


These two bundles contain raw RSS data from the Voyager 1 and 2 encounters with Jupiter, respectively. Reviewers should begin by reading the bundle_readme.txt files (top level of the bundles).

Data Bundle

The directory structures of the two PDS4 bundles are illustrated in the following links for Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.

The complete peer review bundles (voyager_rss_jupiter_raw) are online here.

Instructions for Reviewers

Here are guidelines and some information to help you produce an effective review with a reasonable level of effort.

All reviewers must address two general areas: Furthermore, if you are one of the panel members with a direct affiliation with the PDS, please also address a third general area: If you are not one of the panel members with a direct affiliation with the PDS, then you do not need to address compliance with PDS4 standards. Rather, you should focus on the data (including ancillary data) and documentation.

While it is not realistic for you to analyze every data file, please check enough to convince yourself of the quality and consistency of the data and of any errors that you encounter.

Please also evaluate the documentation provided in individual table labels, and referenced journal articles. Much of the information contained in the referenced articles is not duplicated in the data sets.

Questions for reviewers to address are:

The review panel submits written reviews by email and then, if the RMS Node thinks it is necessary, participates in a teleconference (date TBD) to discuss the reviews, including strengths and weaknesses of the data set. Specific shortcomings and errors will be identified as "liens" – questions about or requests for change – which will need to be corrected. The review panel is responsible for making a recommendation on whether:

In addition to an overall recommendation, the RMS Node will compile a list of liens in the archive design or sample products/bundle. The liens must be resolved before the associated data set can be archived.

Known Issues

The following eight warnings appear in the Voyager 2 bundle:
4 warning.integrity.member_not_found
4 warning.integrity.unreferenced_member

WARNING [warning.integrity.member_not_found] The member 'urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw:document:sis_vgj_rs::1.0' could not be found in any product within the given target
WARNING [warning.integrity.member_not_found] The member 'urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw:browse:vg2j_radio_ing::1.0' could not be found in any product within the given target
WARNING [warning.integrity.member_not_found] The member 'urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw:browse:vg2j_radio_egr::1.0' could not be found in any product within the given target
WARNING [warning.integrity.member_not_found] The member 'urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw:data:vg2j_14mr_1979191t131728::1.0' could not be found in any product within the given target
WARNING [warning.integrity.unreferenced_member] Identifier 'urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw:data:vg2j_14mr_1979191t131727::1.0' is not a member of any collection within the given target
WARNING [warning.integrity.unreferenced_member] Identifier 'urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw:document:sis_vgr_rs::1.0' is not a member of any collection within the given target
WARNING [warning.integrity.unreferenced_member] Identifier 'urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw:browse:vg2_radio_ing::1.0' is not a member of any collection within the given target
WARNING [warning.integrity.unreferenced_member] Identifier 'urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw:browse:vg2_radio_egr::1.0' is not a member of any collection within the given target

For example, an erroneous entry in voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw_v1.0/data/collection_data.csv slipped through. The entry:
should instead state:

Once reviewer reports have been received, these issues will be fixed alongside any other necessary modifications.

Reviewers' Submitted Comments and Responses

The responses from the reviewers and data provider are documented in the lien resolution document.

Review Outcome

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