Stellar occultation prediction by Sun Jun 25 08:03:16 2023 target : Jupiter target radius (km) : 71492.00 C/A epoch : 2028-02-01T14:19:37.020 Event type : Pgt : Jupiter occs: geocentric, topocentric : Not a ringed target Gaia source ID : 3895627735104307456 2Mass ID (if available) : 11491418+0241425 ICRS Star Coord at Epoch: 11h 49m 14.13066s +02:41:42.78280s RUWE (>1.4 is poor) : 1.02 K magnitude : 9.136 G magnitude : 11.385 RP magnitude : 10.690 BP magnitude : 11.932 DUPflag : 0 Distance (au) : 4.682 f0 (km) : 0.00 g0 (km) : 0.00 skyplane vel. (km/s) : -9.01 Sun-Target sep (deg) : 135.38 Sun-Moon sep (deg) : 158.81 B (ring opening deg) : -2.11 PA of pole (deg) : 25.52 Pole direction: RA (deg): 268.05762 Dec (deg): 64.49661 C/A sky separation (") : 16.772 C/A sky separation (km) : 56956.9 NAIF SPICE kernels : RAJobs_U111+rgf15.spk URKALLv1.spk naif0012.tls nep097.bsp nep101.bsp sat440l.bsp Observable events with sun below -5 deg and altitude above 5 deg Obs Location lat Elon Target Observed Events Interval OEcode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIC Pic du Midi 42.9 0.1 | | | Pnn PAL Palomar Mt (200") 33.4 243.1 | + | FEB 01 12:48 - FEB 01 12:48 | Pin PMO Purple Mtn Obs. Nanking 32.1 118.8 | + | FEB 01 15:51 - FEB 01 15:51 | Pne KPNO Kitt Peak Natl Obs 32.0 248.4 | + | FEB 01 12:47 - FEB 01 12:47 | Pin MCD McDonald Obs. 2.7m 30.7 256.0 | + | FEB 01 12:46 - FEB 01 12:46 | Pin TEN Teide Obs./Tenerife 28.3 343.5 | | | Pnn IRTF Mauna Kea/IRTF 19.8 204.5 | + + | FEB 01 12:59 - FEB 01 15:42 | Pie KAV Kavalur Observatory 12.6 78.8 | | | Pnn RIO Rio de Janeiro -22.9 316.8 | | | Pnn ESO European Southern Obs. (3.6m) -29.3 289.3 | | | Pnn AAT Siding Spring (AAT) -31.3 149.1 | + + | FEB 01 13:18 - FEB 01 15:28 | Pie SAAO So. Afr. Astro. Obs. (Sutherland) -32.4 20.8 | | | Pnn MSO Mt. Stromlo Observatory -35.3 149.0 | + + | FEB 01 13:18 - FEB 01 15:27 | Pie