Stellar occultation prediction by Sat Jun 24 19:18:07 2023 target : Neptune target radius (km) : 24764.00 C/A epoch : 2049-09-30T08:13:23.740 Event type : PgtRgt : Neptune occs: geocentric, topocentric : Ring occs: geocentric, topocentric Gaia source ID : 56319669931648256 2Mass ID (if available) : 03330110+1719587 ICRS Star Coord at Epoch: 03h 33m 01.11738s +17:19:58.12146s RUWE (>1.4 is poor) : 1.23 K magnitude : 14.103 G magnitude : 16.924 RP magnitude : 16.035 BP magnitude : 17.699 DUPflag : 0 Distance (au) : 29.140 f0 (km) : 0.000 g0 (km) : 0.000 skyplane vel. (km/s) : -14.72 Sun-Target sep (deg) : 131.75 Sun-Moon sep (deg) : 170.04 B (ring opening deg) : 4.39 PA of pole (deg) : -42.23 # a(km) ring ------------------------------ 1 42000.0 Galle 2 53200.0 LeVerrier 3 55200.0 Lassell 4 57200.0 Arago 5 61953.0 Galatea 6 62933.0 Adams Observable events with sun below -5 deg and altitude above 5 deg unblocked by planet Obs Location lat Elon Rings I Planet Rings E Observed Events Interval OEcode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIC Pic du Midi 42.9 0.1 | | | | | PnnRnn PAL Palomar Mt (200") 33.4 243.1 |+ + + + + + | + + | + + + + + + | SEP 30 07:30 - SEP 30 08:36 | PieRie PMO Purple Mtn Obs. Nanki 32.1 118.8 | | | | | PnnRnn KPNO Kitt Peak Natl Obs 32.0 248.4 |+ + + + + + | + + | + + + + + + | SEP 30 07:29 - SEP 30 08:35 | PieRie MCD McDonald Obs. 2.7m 30.7 256.0 |+ + + + + + | + + | + + + + + + | SEP 30 07:28 - SEP 30 08:34 | PieRie TEN Teide Obs./Tenerife 28.3 343.5 | | | | | PnnRnn IRTF Mauna Kea/IRTF 19.8 204.5 |+ + + + + + | + + | + + + + + + | SEP 30 07:33 - SEP 30 08:40 | PieRie KAV Kavalur Observatory 12.6 78.8 | | | | | PnnRnn RIO Rio de Janeiro -22.9 316.8 |+ + + + | + | + + + + | SEP 30 07:12 - SEP 30 08:04 | PinRie ESO European Southern Obs -29.3 289.3 |+ + + + | + + | + + + + | SEP 30 07:15 - SEP 30 08:20 | PieRie AAT Siding Spring (AAT) -31.3 149.1 | | | | | PnnRnn SAAO So. Afr. Astro. Obs. -32.4 20.8 | | | | | PnnRnn MSO Mt. Stromlo Observato -35.3 149.0 | | | | | PnnRnn