The SOM/events/ directory contains both summary and detailed occultation predictions with a subdirectory for each of six targets: Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Titan Triton For example, the SOM/events/Neptune/ directory has the following structure and abbreviated contents: SOM/events/Neptune: -------------gallery of views of Earth from Neptune at mid-occultation time -------------for 25 events per file Neptune_globes_2023-05-03_to_2032-02-16.pdf Neptune_globes_2032-09-05_to_2040-07-12.pdf Neptune_globes_2041-07-03_to_2047-03-16.pdf Neptune_globes_2047-07-01_to_2049-11-05.pdf -------------gallery of views of skyplane from Earth at mid-occultation time -------------for 25 events per file Neptune_skyplanes_2023-05-03_to_2032-02-16.pdf Neptune_skyplanes_2032-09-05_to_2040-07-12.pdf Neptune_skyplanes_2041-07-03_to_2047-03-16.pdf Neptune_skyplanes_2047-07-01_to_2049-11-05.pdf -------------detailed information for each event is in subfolders, by year: Neptune/2023: -------------Overview summary PDF file for the event -------------with C/A time 2023-05-03T13_00_52.170 -------------from prediction series YYYYMMDD 20230528 -------------version a : Neptune_2023-05-03T13_00_52.170_20230528a.pdf -------------Text file containing summary of this event: Neptune_2023-05-03T13_00_52.170_20230528a.txt -------------full-size images of : ------------- altitude of target as a function of time ------------- globe (view of Earth from target) ------------- skyplane (view of target and occultation chords) Neptune_2023-05-03T13_00_52.170_20230528a.alt.jpg Neptune_2023-05-03T13_00_52.170_20230528a.globe.jpg Neptune_2023-05-03T13_00_52.170_20230528a.skyplane.jpg -------------Text file containing detailed predictions -------------for all observatories from which this event was -------------visible, subject to altitude constraints ------------- sun more then 5 degrees below horizon ------------- target more then 5 degrees above horizon -------------The observatory code in this case is PAL -------------for Mt. Palomar 5m telescope. -------------See full list of observatory codes in the main -------------body of the paper: Neptune_2023-05-03T13_00_52.170_PAL_20230528a.txt