Title: Earth-based Stellar Occultation Predictions for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Titan, and Triton: 2023-2050 Authors: Richard G. French & Damya Souami Table: Occultation predictions for Triton 2023-2050 for K<15 ============================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: Triton_predictions_MR.txt --------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations --------------------------------------------------------- 1- 8 A8 --- TARGET Occultation target 10- 80 A71 --- SUMMARY_PDF SOM pathname to event summary PDF 82- 93 A12 --- EVENTID Event identification (target letter, YYnnn) 95-113 F19.7 d JD Julian date of closest approach (CA) 115-141 A27 --- UTC_CA UTC of closest approach 143-149 A7 --- EVENTTYPE Event type P: planet, g: geocentric t: topocentric 151-172 I22 --- STARID Gaia star ID 174-209 A36 --- STARPOS J2000 star position at epoch hh mm ss dd mm ss 211-218 F8.1 km STARERR_F E-W error in star position in skyplane (E positive) 220-227 F8.1 km STARERR_G N-S error in star position (N positive) 229-264 A36 --- TARGPOS J2000 target position at epoch hh mm ss dd mm ss 266-275 F10.3 mag KMAG apparent K magnitude of occultation star 277-286 F10.3 mag GMAG apparent G magnitude of occultation star 288-297 F10.3 mag GSTAR apparent G magnitude of occultation star, corrected for vsky 299-308 F10.3 mag RPMAG apparent RP magnitude of occultation star 310-310 I1 --- DUP Source with multiple source identifiers (Gaia catalog entry) 312-319 F8.1 mas CA closest approach distance of target and star in skyplane 321-327 F7.1 arcsec CAP approach distance of target and central planet in skyplane, at the epoch 329-338 F10.2 deg PA position angle of CA 340-348 F9.1 km RKM_CA sky plane separation at CA 350-358 F9.1 km RKM_CAP approach distance of target and central planet in skyplane, at the epoch 360-369 F10.2 km/s VSKY sky plane velocity of target relative to star 371-380 F10.3 au DISTAU Observer-target distance 382-390 F9.1 deg LONDEG Sub-target Earth longitude (East) at CA 392-399 F8.1 deg LATDEG Sub-target Earth latitude at CA 401-409 F9.1 deg SGT Sun-Earth-Target separation at CA 411-419 F9.1 deg MGT Moon-Earth-Target separation at CA 421-428 F8.2 --- RUWE Renormalized unit weight error (<1.4 is good astronometric solution) 430-450 A21 --- _2MASS_ID 2MASS catalog ID 452-452 I1 --- _2MASS_DUPFLAG another nearby event with a different STARID shares this 2MASS catalog ID 454-462 F9.3 arcsec _R angular separation of Gaia and 2MASS positions 464-464 I1 --- EAS_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in EAS region 466-466 I1 --- EAS_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in EAS region 468-468 I1 --- ENA_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in ENA region 470-470 I1 --- ENA_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in ENA region 472-472 I1 --- GEO_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in GEO region 474-474 I1 --- GEO_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in GEO region 476-476 I1 --- NAM_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in NAM region 478-478 I1 --- NAM_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in NAM region 480-480 I1 --- OCN_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in OCN region 482-482 I1 --- OCN_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in OCN region 484-484 I1 --- SAF_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in SAF region 486-486 I1 --- SAF_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in SAF region 488-488 I1 --- SAM_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in SAM region 490-490 I1 --- SAM_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in SAM region --------------------------------------------------------- Triton SOM/events/Triton/2025/Triton_2025-09-17T06_07_07.370_20230528a.pdf Tr25001 2460935.7549464 2025-09-17 06:07:07.37 Pg 2449604188905639040 00 04 15.18297 -01 01 59.70659 50.4 32.8 00 04 15.18358 -01 01 59.73679 14.288 18.519 18.557 17.207 0 31.6 9.0 163.16 661.0 188.0 -20.71 28.887 273.2 -0.9 173.6 119.5 1.05 00041515-0101582 0 0.176 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2025/Triton_2025-11-12T16_45_45.850_20230528a.pdf Tr25002 2460992.1984473 2025-11-12 16:45:45.85 P 2449519290288023168 23 59 18.61005 -01 33 51.53200 19.0 13.6 23 59 18.60673 -01 33 51.42195 14.615 17.226 17.017 16.431 0 120.8 13.6 335.68 2562.3 288.8 -16.49 29.255 56.7 -1.4 129.0 146.6 1.00 23591860-0133513 0 0.181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2027/Triton_2027-01-05T23_14_15.270_20230528a.pdf Tr27001 2461411.4682323 2027-01-05 23:14:15.27 P 2545699104287361664 00 07 19.05139 -00 42 13.10351 11.0 6.6 00 07 19.06286 -00 42 13.33285 13.210 15.225 14.983 14.581 0 286.7 8.3 143.12 6257.3 181.7 16.01 30.090 268.3 -0.6 76.4 96.6 0.99 00071910-0042108 0 0.309 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2029/Triton_2029-01-16T16_21_20.600_20230528a.pdf Tr29001 2462153.1814884 2029-01-16 16:21:20.60 P 2547000135781016320 00 24 10.27298 +01 02 14.46954 7.1 6.0 00 24 10.26755 +01 02 14.65264 12.537 14.375 14.276 13.765 0 200.4 15.5 335.99 4388.9 339.9 18.26 30.190 4.7 1.2 69.5 47.0 0.99 00241027+0102148 0 0.200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2029/Triton_2029-06-08T11_30_48.140_20230528a.pdf Tr29002 2462295.9797238 2029-06-08 11:30:48.14 P 2550622133240584704 00 40 29.16671 +02 45 54.80459 9.1 6.2 00 40 29.16433 +02 45 55.07274 9.849 11.026 10.675 10.601 0 269.8 6.6 352.41 5916.6 145.4 14.47 30.240 300.7 2.9 67.2 26.4 1.14 00402920+0245554 0 0.170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2029/Triton_2029-06-11T05_23_26.000_20230528a.pdf Tr29003 2462298.7246065 2029-06-11 05:23:26.00 Pt 2550622232023925632 00 40 39.44754 +02 46 59.57364 51.2 44.5 00 40 39.43955 +02 46 59.77603 10.259 11.883 11.814 11.368 0 234.4 7.0 329.29 5133.7 154.4 18.77 30.193 29.8 2.9 69.8 59.1 7.66 00403954+0247014 0 0.385 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2031/Triton_2031-02-07T20_42_33.710_20230528a.pdf Tr31001 2462905.3628902 2031-02-07 20:42:33.71 P 2550443668759500416 00 42 01.57927 +02 52 55.87517 13.0 12.0 00 42 01.57511 +02 52 56.01671 11.685 14.946 15.225 13.845 0 154.7 15.4 336.22 3415.0 339.6 25.85 30.443 282.5 3.1 52.4 131.1 1.08 00420171+0252571 0 0.310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2031/Triton_2031-10-08T15_33_58.350_20230528a.pdf Tr31002 2463148.1485920 2031-10-08 15:33:58.35 Pgt 2551697971008471808 00 53 02.38231 +03 55 24.67432 14.9 12.9 00 53 02.38406 +03 55 24.62743 13.682 15.137 15.487 14.624 0 53.7 6.6 150.84 1123.6 138.6 -27.61 28.852 123.1 4.1 178.1 93.0 1.13 00530237+0355247 0 0.075 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2035/Triton_2035-10-05T12_01_09.750_20230528a.pdf Tr35001 2464606.0008073 2035-10-05 12:01:09.75 Pt 2566175343690470144 01 27 43.93686 +07 20 07.74648 25.8 10.9 01 27 43.93388 +07 20 07.83479 13.049 15.808 16.124 14.941 0 98.8 10.9 333.31 2068.4 228.5 -26.74 28.856 188.1 7.5 168.5 144.4 1.02 01274390+0720076 0 0.043 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2035/Triton_2035-10-10T14_17_23.750_20230528a.pdf Tr35002 2464611.0954138 2035-10-10 14:17:23.75 Pt 2566173934941174400 01 27 12.82180 +07 17 09.94514 11.3 5.7 01 27 12.81811 +07 17 10.04359 12.862 14.332 14.662 13.809 0 112.7 5.6 330.87 2357.8 116.5 -27.10 28.844 148.9 7.5 173.5 83.4 1.01 01271282+0717102 0 0.122 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2036/Triton_2036-06-04T12_56_48.450_20230528a.pdf Tr36001 2464849.0394497 2036-06-04 12:56:48.45 P 2571920768686360320 01 37 13.19027 +08 20 50.47105 8.1 4.8 01 37 13.19791 +08 20 50.24710 11.032 13.163 13.522 12.496 0 251.0 5.3 153.15 5551.2 118.3 27.85 30.492 297.0 8.5 48.4 175.8 1.03 01371318+0820506 0 0.185 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2036/Triton_2036-10-31T15_29_17.390_20230528a.pdf Tr36002 2464998.1453402 2036-10-31 15:29:17.39 Pt 2565881494913346176 01 33 36.61897 +07 53 32.49827 73.2 31.8 01 33 36.62498 +07 53 32.31860 14.428 17.691 17.904 16.693 0 200.6 14.8 153.57 4200.2 310.0 -24.34 28.865 111.0 8.1 166.2 26.1 0.95 01333660+0753332 0 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2038/Triton_2038-12-21T22_36_10.100_20230528a.pdf Tr38001 2465779.4417836 2038-12-21 22:36:10.10 Pgt 2572227674164976128 01 46 59.08374 +09 09 42.25470 31.2 30.1 01 46 59.08207 +09 09 42.30921 13.672 16.290 15.399 15.469 0 59.9 16.3 335.52 1274.5 346.5 -8.80 29.336 317.6 9.4 118.5 174.3 0.93 01465902+0909428 0 0.120 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2040/Triton_2040-10-05T12_43_39.560_20230528a.pdf Tr40001 2466433.0303190 2040-10-05 12:43:39.56 Pgt 73222698406292608 02 11 17.56768 +11 18 16.80792 109.1 118.9 02 11 17.56715 +11 18 16.82265 14.330 18.364 18.623 17.156 0 16.7 2.7 332.07 349.3 55.9 -25.39 28.884 187.6 11.5 157.8 149.6 0.98 02111745+1118171 0 0.185 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2043/Triton_2043-06-25T09_43_57.520_20230528a.pdf Tr43001 2467425.9055269 2043-06-25 09:43:57.52 Pt 26895600603666432 02 37 43.74095 +13 34 30.89428 65.9 66.3 02 37 43.74213 +13 34 30.75276 14.023 17.253 17.324 16.192 0 142.6 3.3 173.09 3145.9 72.2 21.37 30.426 340.6 13.8 51.9 95.7 1.02 02374371+1334334 0 0.154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2043/Triton_2043-09-26T17_03_39.540_20230528a.pdf Tr43002 2467519.2108743 2043-09-26 17:03:39.54 P 26892856120403968 02 38 45.33322 +13 34 09.93323 37.9 35.0 02 38 45.32528 +13 34 10.17456 13.201 16.245 16.224 15.317 0 267.6 13.8 334.38 5632.9 290.7 -19.61 29.019 138.9 13.8 141.3 63.8 1.08 02384529+1334094 0 0.051 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2043/Triton_2043-10-02T01_16_09.360_20230528a.pdf Tr43003 2467524.5528861 2043-10-02 01:16:09.36 Pg 26891550450337792 02 38 18.58223 +13 31 54.96788 16.9 14.6 02 38 18.58192 +13 31 54.98040 12.025 14.776 14.753 13.924 0 13.3 16.9 339.82 280.3 354.5 -19.59 28.966 10.4 13.7 146.7 134.2 1.11 02381843+1331544 0 0.291 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2043/Triton_2043-12-05T15_50_18.420_20230528a.pdf Tr43004 2467589.1599354 2043-12-05 15:50:18.42 P 26451058604260992 02 31 40.83793 +13 00 20.93616 51.9 46.5 02 31 40.83156 +13 00 21.23697 14.477 16.753 16.719 16.100 0 314.9 16.9 342.80 6618.0 354.7 -19.38 28.977 86.6 13.2 146.9 102.5 0.98 02314082+1300212 0 0.181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2045/Triton_2045-10-24T10_18_54.480_20230528a.pdf Tr45001 2468277.9297972 2045-10-24 10:18:54.48 Pgt 32518438644356608 02 54 06.15989 +14 43 04.64022 15.6 11.2 02 54 06.15885 +14 43 04.67357 12.768 14.121 14.424 13.647 0 36.6 4.5 335.59 766.4 94.1 -26.44 28.851 216.2 14.9 165.2 32.3 1.01 02540614+1443049 0 0.031 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2046/Triton_2046-03-02T05_33_32.530_20230528a.pdf Tr46001 2468406.7316265 2046-03-02 05:33:32.53 P 32087322711430784 02 48 29.27402 +14 23 42.02432 105.5 87.2 02 48 29.27800 +14 23 41.74795 14.585 17.799 17.628 16.743 0 282.4 11.7 168.18 6195.4 257.7 17.08 30.252 159.2 14.6 62.9 123.1 1.12 02482926+1423421 0 0.025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2048/Triton_2048-01-06T07_30_10.460_20230528a.pdf Tr48001 2469081.8126211 2048-01-06 07:30:10.46 Pgt 30958747040513152 03 05 20.15502 +15 33 34.13969 23.0 18.4 03 05 20.15495 +15 33 34.14473 11.666 14.919 14.294 13.891 0 5.1 16.7 348.41 109.2 354.8 -11.25 29.265 188.9 15.7 123.3 115.3 1.07 03052025+1533348 0 0.110 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triton SOM/events/Triton/2048/Triton_2048-07-13T16_27_44.570_20230528a.pdf Tr48002 2469271.1859325 2048-07-13 16:27:44.57 Pg 54599793226129664 03 22 56.20484 +16 46 51.21500 55.8 43.0 03 22 56.20482 +16 46 51.22279 14.285 16.472 16.382 15.799 0 7.8 2.3 358.27 171.5 50.4 18.41 30.336 232.2 17.0 58.6 86.9 1.00 03225619+1646512 0 0.126 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0