The SOM/tables/ directory contains tables of occultation predictions in both typeset form and in machine-readable form, with with a sub-directory for each target: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Titan, and Triton. The table contents differ slightly for ringed/non-ringed planets and for the satellite targets. For example, the Neptune directory contains the following files: ./Neptune: Neptune_tables.pdf Complete set of typeset tables, produced from the following LaTeX source files: Neptune_tables.tex LaTeX file to produce Neptune_tables.pdf Neptune_predictions_01_of_01.tex Data tables referred to in Neptune_tables.tex aastex631.cls LaTeX style sheet used for Neptune_tables.tex Note that to get proper column alignment in the typeset output file, the input Neptune_tables.tex file must be typeset three times in succession. Neptune_predictions_MR.txt Machine-readable version of complete set of predictions for Neptune. The format of the machine-readable file is listed at the beginning of the file. The header, file format, and first line of data (line-wrapped) for the file Neptune/Neptune_predictions_MR.txt are as follows: head -59 Neptune/Neptune_predictions_MR.txt | fold -124 Title: Earth-based Stellar Occultation Predictions for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Titan, and Triton: 2023-2050 Authors: Richard G. French & Damya Souami Table: Occultation predictions for Neptune 2023-2050 for K<15 ============================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: Neptune_predictions_MR.txt --------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations --------------------------------------------------------- 1- 8 A8 --- TARGET Occultation target 10- 80 A71 --- SUMMARY_PDF SOM pathname to event summary PDF 82- 92 A11 --- EVENTID Event identification (target letter, YYnnn) 94-112 F19.7 d JD Julian date of closest approach (CA) 114-140 A27 --- UTC_CA UTC of closest approach 142-151 A10 --- EVENTTYPE Event type P: planet, g: geocentric t: topocentric 153-174 I22 --- STARID Gaia star ID 176-211 A36 --- STARPOS J2000 star position at epoch hh mm ss dd mm ss 213-219 F7.1 km STARERR_F E-W error in star position in skyplane (E positive) 221-227 F7.1 km STARERR_G N-S error in star position (N positive) 229-264 A36 --- TARGPOS J2000 target position at epoch hh mm ss dd mm ss 266-274 F9.3 arcsec CA closest approach distance of target and star in skyplane 276-285 F10.2 deg PA position angle of CA 287-295 F9.3 1000 km RKM_CA sky plane separation at CA 297-305 F9.2 km/s VSKY sky plane velocity of target relative to star 307-316 F10.3 au DISTAU Observer-target distance 318-327 F10.3 km/s RDOT ring plane radial velocity 329-338 F10.2 deg P position angle of target pole 340-349 F10.2 deg BDEG ring opening angle 351-357 F7.1 deg LATI Ingress geodetic latitude 359-367 F9.1 deg LATE Egress geodetic latitude 369-377 F9.3 mag KMAG apparent K magnitude of occultation star 379-388 F10.3 mag GMAG apparent G magnitude of occultation star 390-399 F10.3 mag GSTAR apparent G magnitude of occultation star, corrected for vsky 401-410 F10.3 mag RPMAG apparent RP magnitude of occultation star 412-412 I1 --- DUP Source with multiple source identifiers (Gaia catalog entry) 414-422 F9.3 km SDIAM projected diameter of occultation star at target 424-432 F9.1 deg LONDEG Sub-target Earth longitude (East) at CA 434-441 F8.1 deg LATDEG Sub-target Earth latitude at CA 443-450 F8.1 deg SGT Sun-Earth-Target separation at CA 452-460 F9.1 deg MGT Moon-Earth-Target separation at CA 462-469 F8.2 --- RUWE Renormalized unit weight error (<1.4 is good astronometric solution) 471-491 A21 --- _2MASS_ID 2MASS catalog ID 493-493 I1 --- _2MASS_DUPFLAG another nearby event with a different STARID shares this 2MASS catalog ID 495-503 F9.3 arcsec _R angular separation of Gaia and 2MASS positions 505-505 I1 --- EAS_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in EAS region 507-507 I1 --- EAS_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in EAS region 509-509 I1 --- ENA_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in ENA region 511-511 I1 --- ENA_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in ENA region 513-513 I1 --- GEO_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in GEO region 515-515 I1 --- GEO_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in GEO region 517-517 I1 --- NAM_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in NAM region 519-519 I1 --- NAM_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in NAM region 521-521 I1 --- OCN_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in OCN region 523-523 I1 --- OCN_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in OCN region 525-525 I1 --- SAF_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in SAF region 527-527 I1 --- SAF_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in SAF region 529-529 I1 --- SAM_N_TARGETOCCS number of target occultations by candidate observatories in SAM region 531-531 I1 --- SAM_N_RINGOCCS number of ring occultations by candidate observatories in SAM region --------------------------------------------------------- Neptune SOM/events/Neptune/2023/Neptune_2023-05-03T13_00_52.170_20230528a.pdf N23001 2460068.0422705 2023-0 5-03 13:00:52.17 PgRgt 2447704782568325504 23 48 59.15652 -02 29 12.98136 4.4 3.0 23 48 59.14834 -02 29 12.68060 0.324 337.79 7.199 26.29 30.600 33.510 -41.58 -21.13 2.4 -34.4 9.623 11.116 11.413 10.610 0 1.181 301.2 -2.4 46.1 160.6 0.96 23485925-0229122 0 0.324 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0