c******************************************************************************* c$ Component_name: c TCONVERT c$ Abstract: c Sample program to perform a variety of time conversions. c$ Keywords: c JULIAN, TIME c FORTRAN, SAMPLE_PROGRAM c$ Declarations: c none c$ Inputs: c none c$ Outputs: c none c$ Returns: c none c$ Side_effects: c none c$ Detailed_description: c This simple program illustrates the use of a variety of the Julian c Library routines. The user is prompted repeatedly for a character c string, which the program interprets as a character string in nearly c arbitrary format. The program then prints out a variety of inferred c values: day relative to J2000, PDS- and SQL-format strings, Atomic time c (TAI, seconds relative to J2000), Ephemeris time (ET, seconds relative c to J2000 TAI), Julian date, and Modified Julian date. c c For further information on the acceptable formats of the input string, c see the documentation file "parsing.txt". c$ External_references: c FJul_ParseDT(), FJul_FormatPDS(), FJul_FormatSQL(), FJul_TAIofDUTC(), c FJul_ETofTAI(), FJul_JDofTAI(), FJul_JDofTAI(), FJul_JDofTAI(), c FJul_MJDofTAI(), FJul_MJDofTAI(), FJul_MJDofTAI() c$ Examples: c Here is a sample run of the program c c YMD order preference: MDY <--user input c Date/time: 7 1 76 0 1 2 <--user input c PDS format: "1976-07-01T00:01:02.000Z" c SQL format: "Jul 1, 1976 00:01:02:000" c c UTC day = -8584 c UTC secs = 62.000000 c TAI secs = -741700723.000000 c ET secs = -741700690.815904 c c JD (UTC) = 2442960.500718 c JD (TAI) = 2442960.500891 c JD (ET) = 2442960.501636 c MJD (UTC) = 42960.000718 c MJD (TAI) = 42960.000891 c MJD (ET) = 42960.001636 c c Date/time: mjd 42960.000718 <--user input c PDS format: "1976-07-01T00:01:02.035Z" c SQL format: "Jul 1, 1976 00:01:02:035" c c UTC day = -8584 c UTC secs = 62.035200 c TAI secs = -741700722.964800 c ET secs = -741700690.780704 c c JD (UTC) = 2442960.500718 c JD (TAI) = 2442960.500892 c JD (ET) = 2442960.501637 c MJD (UTC) = 42960.000718 c MJD (TAI) = 42960.000892 c MJD (ET) = 42960.001637 c c Date/time: <end-of-file> <--user input c$ Error_handling: c "String parsing failure!" is printed if the input string cannot be c parsed. c$ Limitations: c none c$ Author_and_institution: c Mark R. Showalter c PDS Ring-Moon Systems Node c NASA/Ames Research Center c$ Version_and_date: c 1.3: June 1998 improved documentation. c$ Change_history: c 1.0: December 1995 c******************************************************************************/ program TCONVERT include 'fjulian.inc' character*80 string, newstring, pref integer*4 dutc, LENGTH real*8 secs, tai, et logical*4 status c*********************************************************************** c Read YMD preference string c*********************************************************************** write(*,10) 'YMD order preference: ' read(*,11,end=999) pref 10 format(1x, a, $) 11 format(a) c*********************************************************************** c Loop through time strings c*********************************************************************** 100 continue c Read date/time string write(*,10) 'Date/time: ' read(*,11,end=999) string c Translate to a date and report error status = FJul_ParseDT(string, pref, dutc, secs) if (.NOT. status) then write(*,*) 'String parsing failure!' goto 100 end if c Write various date/time formats call FJul_FormatPDS(dutc, secs, 3, .TRUE., newstring) write(*,24) 'PDS format:', newstring(1:LENGTH(newstring)) call FJul_FormatSQL(dutc, secs, newstring) write(*,24) 'SQL format:', newstring(1:LENGTH(newstring)) write(*,25) c Write UTC/Atomic/ephemeris time information tai = FJul_TAIofDUTC(dutc) + secs et = FJul_ETofTAI(tai) write(*,21) ' UTC day =', dutc write(*,22) ' UTC secs =', secs write(*,23) ' TAI secs =', tai write(*,23) ' ET secs =', et write(*,25) c Write Julian Date information write(*,22) ' JD (UTC) =', & FJul_JDofTAI(tai, FJUL_UTC_TYPE) write(*,22) ' JD (TAI) =', & FJul_JDofTAI(tai, FJUL_TAI_TYPE) write(*,22) ' JD (ET) =', & FJul_JDofTAI(et, FJUL_ET_TYPE) write(*,22) 'MJD (UTC) =', & FJul_MJDofTAI(tai, FJUL_UTC_TYPE) write(*,22) 'MJD (TAI) =', & FJul_MJDofTAI(tai, FJUL_TAI_TYPE) write(*,22) 'MJD (ET) =', & FJul_MJDofTAI(et, FJUL_ET_TYPE) write(*,25) goto 100 999 continue 21 format(1x, a, i9) 22 format(1x, a, f16.6) 23 format(1x, a, f19.6) 24 format(1x, a, ' "', a, '"') 25 format(1x) c*********************************************************************** c End of loop c*********************************************************************** stop end c******************************************************************************* c This internal function returns the active length of a character string c******************************************************************************* integer function LENGTH(string) character*(*) string integer i do 100 i = len(string), 1, -1 if (string(i:i) .ne. ' ') then LENGTH = i return end if 100 continue LENGTH = 0 return end c******************************************************************************* c