/* column.c ********************************************************************************
* column.c -- Routines for treating a PDS COLUMN object as a series.
* User routines:
* Pro_ColumnSeries() creates a series object out of a specified
* PDS-labeled COLUMN object.
* Mark Showalter & Neil Heather, PDS Ring-Moon Systems Node, March 1998
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "profile.h"
#include "fortran.h"
#include "oal.h"
* Data type definitions *
typedef struct ZPRO_COLUMN_STRUCT {
PRO_OBJECT *label;
ODLTREE tabletree, columntree;
RL_INT4 table, column, item, items, row1, row2, rows;
RL_INT4 k1, start, skip;
RL_FLT8 missing, invalid, offset, scale;
RL_BOOL isdouble;
RL_FLT8 *(ddata[2]);
RL_FLT4 *(sdata[2]);
RL_INT4 buffer_rows, rowsegs[2];
* Static variables *
static XPRO_CLASS column_class = {XPRO_COLUMN_CLASS, "PDS column", NULL};
* Prototypes of internal functions *
static RL_FLT8 ZPro_ColumnValue RL_PROTO((RL_VOID *pointer, RL_INT4 k,
RL_INT4 *flag));
static void ZPro_FreeColumn RL_PROTO((RL_VOID *pointer));
static void ZPro_PrintColumn RL_PROTO((RL_VOID *pointer));
*$ Component_name:
* Pro_ColumnSeries (column.c)
*$ Abstract:
* This routine creates and returns a column series object. A column
* series returns the values from a column of data found in a series or
* table of a PDS-labeled data file.
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
* PRO_OBJECT *Pro_ColumnSeries(label, ntable, ncolumn, nitem,
* row1, row2, k1, buffersize, usedouble)
* PRO_OBJECT *label;
* RL_INT4 ntable, ncolumn, nitem, row1, row2, k1, buffersize;
* RL_BOOL usedouble;
*$ Inputs:
* label pointer to a PDS label object.
* ntable table index in label.
* ncolumn column index in label.
* nitem item index [1...n] or 0 to use all items.
* row1 first row to include (numbered from 1).
* row2 last row to include (numbered from 1; 0 for all).
* k1 starting index for series.
* buffersize minimum number of samples to keep in internal buffer;
* 0 to keep entire column in memory.
* usedouble TRUE to save double precision values internally;
* FALSE for single precision.
*$ Outputs:
* none
*$ Returns:
* pointer to a new column series object, or NULL on non-fatal error.
*$ Detailed_description:
* This routine creates and returns a column series object. A column
* series returns the values from a column of data found in a series or
* table of a PDS-labeled data file.
* For PDS SERIES objects, the SAMPLING_PARAMETER quantities in the label
* define the sampling of the series. For PDS TABLE objects, the series
* sampling parameter is assumed to be the row index, starting with 1.
* Note: The buffersize parameter enables the user to have access to a
* finite subset of the array at any given time without the need to retain
* the entire column in memory. Whenever an attempt is made to access a
* sample not currently in memory, the needed segment of the data file is
* read into memory. The buffersize parameter should be no smaller than
* the difference between the first and last series samples needed at a
* given time. For example, when convolving the data with a filter
* function, the buffersize should be greater than or equal to the full
* width of the filter used.
*$ External_references:
* Profile toolkit, Object Access library
*$ Side_effects:
* Memory is allocated. A link to the corresponding label object is
* created.
*$ Examples:
* This snippet of code prints out the first three samples in the second
* column of the first table in a PDS-labeled data file.
* label = Pro_OpenLabel("table.tab");
* ntable = 1;
* ncolumn = 2;
* nitem = 0;
* k1 = 0;
* column = Pro_ColumnSeries(label, ntable, ncolumn, nitem,
* 1, 0, k1, 0, TRUE);
* printf("%g %g %g\n", Pro_SeriesValue(column,k1),
* Pro_SeriesValue(column,k1+1),
* Pro_SeriesValue(column,k1+2));
*$ Error_handling:
* Profile library error handling is in effect.
* Conditions raised:
* PRO_CLASS_ERROR if label is NULL or is not a label object.
* PRO_DOMAIN_ERROR it ntable, ncolumn or nitem is out of range.
* PRO_MEMORY_ERROR on memory allocation failure.
* PRO_SETUP_FAILURE on any OA Library error.
*$ Limitations:
* none
*$ Author_and_institution:
* Mark R. Showalter
* NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
* 1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
* none
PRO_OBJECT *Pro_ColumnSeries(label, ntable, ncolumn, nitem, row1, row2, k1,
buffersize, usedouble)
PRO_OBJECT *label;
RL_INT4 ntable, ncolumn, nitem, row1, row2, k1, buffersize;
RL_BOOL usedouble;
ZPRO_COLUMN *column;
RL_INT4 k2, rows, flag, oldtype;
RL_FLT8 x1, x2, dx;
RL_CHAR *xname, *yname;
RL_BOOL status, olderror;
ODLTREE nodes[1];
RL_VOID *pointer, *tableptr, *columnptr;
/* Allocate new column structure */
column = (ZPRO_COLUMN *) XRL_Malloc(sizeof(ZPRO_COLUMN));
if (column == NULL) return NULL;
/* Initialize structure */
column->class = column_class;
column->label = label;
column->table = ntable;
column->column = ncolumn;
column->k1 = k1;
column->isdouble = usedouble;
column->ddata[0] = NULL;
column->ddata[1] = NULL;
column->sdata[0] = NULL;
column->sdata[1] = NULL;
column->rowsegs[0] = 1;
column->rowsegs[1] = 0;
/* Get column info from label */
status = XPro_LabelInfo(label, ntable, ncolumn, &tableptr, &columnptr,
&(column->rows), &(column->items),
&x1, &x2, &dx, &xname, &yname,
&(column->missing), &(column->invalid),
&(column->offset), &(column->scale));
if (!status) {
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column);
return NULL;
column->tabletree = (ODLTREE) tableptr;
column->columntree = (ODLTREE) columnptr;
if (!usedouble) {
if (column->missing != -HUGE_VAL)
column->missing = (RL_FLT4) column->missing;
if (column->invalid != -HUGE_VAL)
column->invalid = (RL_FLT4) column->invalid;
/* Interpret row parameters */
if (row1 < 1 || row1 > column->rows) {
XPro_IDomainError("first row index", label, 1, column->rows, row1);
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column);
return NULL;
if (row2 == 0) row2 = column->rows;
if (row2 < row1 || row2 > column->rows) {
XPro_IDomainError("last row index", label, row1, column->rows, row2);
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column);
return NULL;
column->row1 = row1;
column->row2 = row2;
/* Interpret item parameter */
if (nitem == 1 && column->items == 1) nitem = 0;
if (nitem == 0) {
dx /= column->items;
k2 = k1 + (row2-row1+1) * column->items - 1;
column->start = 0;
column->skip = 1;
else {
if (nitem < 1 || nitem > column->items) {
XPro_IDomainError("item index", label, 1, column->items, nitem);
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column);
return NULL;
column->start = nitem-1;
column->skip = column->items;
k2 = k1 + row2 - row1;
column->item = nitem;
column->k1 = k1;
/* Determine number of rows to retain in cache */
rows = row2 - row1 + 1;
if (buffersize <= 0)
column->buffer_rows = rows;
else if (column->skip > 1)
column->buffer_rows = buffersize;
column->buffer_rows = (buffersize + column->items - 1) / column->items;
if (column->buffer_rows > rows) column->buffer_rows = rows;
/* Save any PRO_EVALUATION_FAILURE and record future ones */
olderror = RL_ClearError1("PRO_EVALUATION_FAILURE");
/* Fill first buffer and check for errors */
ZPro_ColumnValue((RL_VOID *) column, column->k1, &flag);
status = RL_ClearError1("PRO_EVALUATION_FAILURE");
/* Raise PRO_SETUP_FAILURE if necessary */
if (status) {
RL_RaiseError("PRO_SETUP_FAILURE", xpro_message);
/* Note xpro_message is a global variable and is already loaded with the
error message by Pro_ColumnValue() */
if (olderror) RL_RaiseError("PRO_EVALUATION_FAILURE", "");
RL_SetErrorType("PRO_EVALUATION_FAILURE", oldtype);
/* Free the object and return NULL on error */
if (status) {
ZPro_FreeColumn((RL_VOID *) column);
return NULL;
/* Create new object */
new = XPro_MakeSeries(k1, k2, x1, dx,
ZPro_ColumnValue, ZPro_FreeColumn, ZPro_PrintColumn,
(RL_VOID *) column);
/* Enslave the label and check for error */
if (new != NULL && XPro_EnslaveObject(new, label)) {
/* Transfer coordinate names to new object */
Pro_RenameObject(new, 1, xname);
Pro_RenameObject(new, 2, yname);
return new;
* ZPro_ColumnValue(pointer, k, flag)
* This is the series evaluation function for a PDS column series object. It
* checks to see if the sample is in the buffer, and reads a new section of the
* data file if necessary.
* Inputs:
* pointer pointer to the ZPRO_COLUMN data structure.
* k index at which to evaluate array.
* Outputs:
* *flag 0 if value returned is valid; PRO_MISSING_FLAG if it is
* missing; PRO_INVALID_FLAG if it is invalid.
* Return: value of column at given index; 0. on error.
* Errors:
* PRO_EVALUATION_FAILURE if an I/O occurs during file access.
static RL_FLT8 ZPro_ColumnValue(pointer, k, flag)
RL_VOID *pointer;
RL_INT4 k, *flag;
ZPRO_COLUMN *column;
RL_INT4 rowrel, rowseg, rowbase, rowmod, row1, row2, offset;
RL_FLT8 value;
RL_VOID *array;
RL_CHAR *verb;
OA_OBJECT oaobject, oaconvert;
column = (ZPRO_COLUMN *) pointer;
* Identify needed segment of the file *
rowrel = (k - column->k1) * column->skip/column->items;
rowseg = rowrel / column->buffer_rows;
rowbase = rowseg * column->buffer_rows;
rowmod = rowseg & 1;
* Explanation...
* rowrel is the desired sample's row relative to the first row used by
* this column object.
* rowseg is the segment index. This is 0 for the first set of
* <buffer_rows> rows in the file, 1 for the second set, etc.
* rowbase is the first row in the segment, relative to the first row used.
* rowmod is 0 if rowseg is even; 1 if it is odd. This enables the routine
* to keep two different segments in memory simultaneously.
* Load segment into memory if necessary *
if (rowseg != column->rowsegs[rowmod]) {
column->rowsegs[rowmod] = rowseg;
/* Read segment of column from PDS file */
row1 = column->row1 + rowbase;
row2 = row1 + column->buffer_rows - 1;
if (row2 > column->row2) row2 = column->row2;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Reading rows %d to %d\n", row1, row2);
oaobject = OaReadSubTable(column->tabletree, (long) row1, (long) row2,
&(column->columntree), 1);
if (oaobject == NULL || (oa_errno >= 500 && oa_errno < 900)) {
verb = "reading";
/* Convert the data */
if (column->isdouble) {
oaconvert = OaConvertObjecttoOneType(oaobject, "double", 0, FALSE);
} else {
oaconvert = OaConvertObjecttoOneType(oaobject, "float", 0, FALSE);
if (oaconvert == NULL || (oa_errno >= 500 && oa_errno < 900)) {
verb = "converting";
/* Export the data */
array = OaExportObject(oaconvert);
if (column->isdouble) {
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column->ddata[rowmod]);
column->ddata[rowmod] = (RL_FLT8 *) array;
else {
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column->sdata[rowmod]);
column->sdata[rowmod] = (RL_FLT4 *) array;
if (pointer == NULL || (oa_errno >= 500 && oa_errno < 900)) {
verb = "exporting";
/* Delete the unconverted object */
(void) OaDeleteObject(oaobject);
if (oa_errno >= 500 && oa_errno < 900) {
verb = "deleting";
* Extract sample from segment *
offset = (k - column->k1)*column->skip - rowbase * column->items
+ column->start;
if (column->isdouble) {
if (column->ddata == NULL) goto INVALID; /* if I/O error occurred */
value = (column->ddata[rowmod])[offset];
else {
if (column->sdata == NULL) goto INVALID; /* if I/O error occurred */
value = (RL_FLT8) (column->sdata[rowmod])[offset];
/* Check for flags */
if (value == column->missing) goto MISSING;
if (value == column->invalid) goto INVALID;
/* Return valid value */
*flag = 0;
return value * column->scale + column->offset;
(void) sprintf(xpro_message, "error %s PDS column object\n\
OA Library error code %d", verb, oa_errno);
RL_RaiseError("PRO_EVALUATION_FAILURE", xpro_message);
return 0.;
return 0.;
* ZPro_FreeColumn(pointer)
* This is the freeing function for a PDS column series object.
* Inputs:
* pointer pointer to the ZPRO_COLUMN data structure.
static void ZPro_FreeColumn(pointer)
RL_VOID *pointer;
ZPRO_COLUMN *column;
RL_FLT8 value;
column = (ZPRO_COLUMN *) pointer;
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column->ddata[0]);
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column->ddata[1]);
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column->sdata[0]);
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) column->sdata[1]);
* ZPro_PrintColumn(pointer)
* This is the series printing function for a PDS series object.
* Inputs:
* pointer pointer to the ZPRO_COLUMN data structure.
static void ZPro_PrintColumn(pointer)
RL_VOID *pointer;
ZPRO_COLUMN *column;
RL_INT4 k;
column = (ZPRO_COLUMN *) pointer;
/* Make sure object is not NULL */
if (column == NULL) {
printf("PRINT ERROR: PDS column series pointer is NULL\n");
/* Make sure object is a PDS series */
if (column->class.id != XPRO_COLUMN_CLASS) {
printf("PRINT ERROR: Object is not a PDS column series\n");
/* Print object info... */
printf("\nPDS column series parameters...\n");
printf(" label = "); XPro_PrintInfo(column->label);
printf(" table = %d\n", column->table);
printf(" column = %d\n", column->column);
if (column->items == 1) {
printf(" item = 1 of 1\n");
} else if (column->item == 0) {
printf(" item = all of %d\n", column->items);
} else {
printf(" item = %d of %d\n", column->item, column->items);
printf(" rows = %1d to %1d of %1d\n",
column->row1, column->row2, column->rows);
printf("precision = %s\n", column->isdouble ? "double":"single");
if (column->missing != -HUGE_VAL)
printf(" missing = %#g\n", column->missing);
if (column->invalid != -HUGE_VAL)
printf(" invalid = %#g\n", column->invalid);
if (column->scale != 1. && column->offset != 0.)
printf(" scaling = %#g * x + %#g\n", column->scale, column->offset);
*$ Component_name:
* FPro_ColumnSeries (column.c)
*$ Abstract:
* This routine creates and returns a column series object. A column
* series returns the values from a column of data found in a series or
* table of a PDS-labeled data file.
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
* integer*4 function FPro_ColumnSeries(label, table, column, item,
* row1, row2, k1, buffersize, usedouble)
* integer*4 label, table, column, item, row1, row2, k1, buffersize
* logical*4 usedouble
*$ Inputs:
* label FORTRAN pointer to a PDS label object.
* ntable table index in label.
* ncolumn column index in label.
* nitem item index [1...n] or 0 to use all items.
* row1 first row to include (numbered from 1).
* row2 last row to include (numbered from 1; 0 for all).
* k1 starting index for series.
* buffersize minimum number of samples to keep in internal buffer;
* 0 to keep entire column in memory.
* usedouble TRUE to save double precision values internally;
* FALSE for single precision.
*$ Outputs:
* none
*$ Returns:
* FORTRAN pointer to a new column series object, or NULL on non-fatal
* error.
*$ Detailed_description:
* This routine creates and returns a column series object. A column
* series returns the values from a column of data found in a series or
* table of a PDS-labeled data file.
* For PDS SERIES objects, the SAMPLING_PARAMETER quantities in the label
* define the sampling of the series. For PDS TABLE objects, the series
* sampling parameter is assumed to be the row index, starting with 1.
* Note: The buffersize parameter enables the user to have access to a
* finite subset of the array at any given time without the need to retain
* the entire column in memory. Whenever an attempt is made to access a
* sample not currently in memory, the needed segment of the data file is
* read into memory. The buffersize parameter should be no smaller than
* the difference between the first and last series samples needed at a
* given time. For example, when convolving the data with a filter
* function, the buffersize should be greater than or equal to the full
* width of the filter used.
*$ External_references:
* Profile toolkit, Object Access library
*$ Side_effects:
* Memory is allocated. A link to the corresponding label object is
* created.
*$ Examples:
* This snippet of code prints out the first three samples in the second
* column of the first table in a PDS-labeled data file.
* label = Pro_OpenLabel('table.tab')
* ntable = 1
* ncolumn = 2
* nitem = 0
* k1 = 0
* column = FPro_ColumnSeries(label, ntable, ncolumn, nitem,
* & 1, 0, k1, 0, .TRUE.)
* write(*,*) FPro_SeriesValue(column,k1),
* & FPro_SeriesValue(column,k1+1),
* & FPro_SeriesValue(column,k1+2)
*$ Error_handling:
* Profile library error handling is in effect.
* Conditions raised:
* PRO_CLASS_ERROR if label is NULL or is not a label object.
* PRO_DOMAIN_ERROR it ntable, ncolumn or nitem is out of range.
* PRO_MEMORY_ERROR on memory allocation failure.
* PRO_SETUP_FAILURE on any OA Library error.
* FORTRAN_POINTER_ERROR if label is not a valid FORTRAN object pointer.
*$ Limitations:
* none
*$ Author_and_institution:
* Mark R. Showalter
* NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
* 1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
* none
RL_INT4 FORTRAN_NAME(fpro_columnseries) (label, table, column, item, row1, row2,
k1, buffersize, usedouble)
RL_INT4 *label, *table, *column, *item, *row1, *row2, *k1, *buffersize,
RL_VOID *ptr1, *ptr2;
RL_INT4 index;
/* Look up label pointer */
ptr1 = FORT_GetPointer(*label);
if (ptr1 == NULL) return 0;
/* Call function */
ptr2 = (RL_VOID *) Pro_ColumnSeries(ptr1, *table, *column, *item, *row1,
*row2, *k1, *buffersize, (RL_BOOL) *usedouble);
if (ptr2 == NULL) return 0;
index = FORT_AddPointer(ptr2);
if (index == 0) Pro_FreeObject((PRO_OBJECT *) ptr2);
return index;