/* sinc.c ********************************************************************************
* sinc.c -- Sinc function objects
* User routines:
* Pro_SincFunc() creates a sinc function object.
* Pro_SincInfo() returns parameters of sinc function.
* Mark Showalter, PDS Ring-Moon Systems Node, March 1998
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "profile.h"
#include "fortran.h"
#define PI 3.141592653589793238462643
* Type definitions *
typedef struct ZPRO_SINC_STRUCT {
RL_INT4 flag;
RL_FLT8 height, step, halfwidth, shoulder, scale, threshold,
* Symbol definitions *
#define ZPRO_SINC_FLAG 'sinc'
* Prototypes of internal functions *
static RL_FLT8 ZPro_SincCalc RL_PROTO((RL_FLT8 x, RL_VOID *params));
static void ZPro_PrintSinc RL_PROTO((RL_VOID *params));
*$ Component_name:
* Pro_SincFunc (sinc.c)
*$ Abstract:
* This routine generates a sinc function object. A sinc function returns
* sin(pi*x)/(pi*x), scaled by an envelope function that goes smoothly to
* zero outside its domain.
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
* PRO_OBJECT *Pro_SincFunc(height, step, halfwidth, shoulder)
* RL_FLT8 height, step, halfwidth, shoulder;
*$ Inputs:
* height peak y-value of function (at origin).
* step x-step between origin/zeroes of function.
* halfwidth x-value above which y-value is zero.
* shoulder x-width of truncation, modeled as a quarter-sinusoid.
*$ Outputs:
* none
*$ Returns:
* pointer to a new sinc function object, or NULL on non-fatal error.
*$ Detailed_description:
* This routine generates a sinc function object. A sinc function returns
* sin(pi*x)/(pi*x), scaled by an envelope function that goes smoothly to
* zero outside its domain. The x and y coordinates are initially unnamed.
* The envelope function used is as follows:
* 1 |x| < halfwidth - shoulder
* 0 |x| > halfwidth
* (1 + cos((|x|-(halfwidth-shoulder)) * pi/shoulder))/2
* otherwise
* This particular form has the advantage of being smooth throughout the
* domain.
*$ External_references:
* Profile toolkit
*$ Side_effects:
* Memory is allocated.
*$ Examples:
* This line of code creates a sinc function with height 2 and with zeros
* spaced by unity, with a full width of 10 and no shoulder transition
* region.
* sinc = Pro_SincFunc(2., 1., 5., 0.);
*$ Error_handling:
* Profile toolkit error handling is in effect.
* Conditions raised:
* RL_MEMORY_ERROR on memory allocation error.
*$ Limitations:
* none
*$ Author_and_institution:
* Mark R. Showalter
* NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
* 1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
* none
PRO_OBJECT *Pro_SincFunc(height, step, halfwidth, shoulder)
RL_FLT8 height, step, halfwidth, shoulder;
ZPRO_SINC *params;
RL_INT4 paramsize;
paramsize = sizeof(ZPRO_SINC);
params = (ZPRO_SINC *) XRL_Malloc(paramsize);
if (params == NULL) return NULL;
params->flag = ZPRO_SINC_FLAG;
params->height = height;
params->step = step;
params->halfwidth = halfwidth;
params->shoulder = shoulder;
params->scale = PI / step;
params->threshold = halfwidth - shoulder;
params->shoulder_scale = 0.;
if (params->shoulder != 0.) params->shoulder_scale = PI / shoulder;
func = Pro_SoftFunc(ZPro_SincCalc, -halfwidth, halfwidth,
(RL_VOID *) params, paramsize, TRUE, ZPro_PrintSinc);
XRL_Free((RL_VOID *) params);
return func;
*$ Component_name:
* Pro_SincInfo (sinc.c)
*$ Abstract:
* This routine returns information about a sinc function object.
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
* RL_BOOL Pro_SincInfo(sinc, height, step, halfwidth, shoulder)
* PRO_OBJECT *sinc;
* RL_FLT8 *height, *step, *halfwidth, *shoulder;
*$ Inputs:
* sinc pointer to a sinc function object.
*$ Outputs:
* *height peak y-value of function (at origin);
* not returned if height==NULL.
* *step x-step between origin/zeroes of function;
* not returned if height==NULL.
* *halfwidth x-value above which y-value is zero;
* not returned if height==NULL.
* *shoulder x-width of truncation, modeled as a half-sinusoid;
* not returned if height==NULL.
*$ Returns:
* TRUE if this is a sinc function; FALSE otherwise.
*$ Detailed_description:
* This routine returns information about a sinc function object.
*$ External_references:
* Profile toolkit
*$ Side_effects:
* none
*$ Examples:
* This snippet of code of code prints the step size in a sinc function.
* PRO_OBJECT *sinc;
* RL_FLT8 step;
* Pro_SincInfo(sinc, NULL, &step, NULL, NULL);
* printf("Step size = %g\n", step);
*$ Error_handling:
* Profile toolkit error handling is in effect.
* Conditions raised:
* PRO_CLASS_ERROR if this is not a software function object.
*$ Limitations:
* none
*$ Author_and_institution:
* Mark R. Showalter
* NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
* 1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
* none
RL_BOOL Pro_SincInfo(sinc, height, step, halfwidth, shoulder)
RL_FLT8 *height, *step, *halfwidth, *shoulder;
ZPRO_SINC *params;
params = (ZPRO_SINC *) XPro_SoftParams(sinc);
if (params == NULL) return FALSE;
if (params->flag != ZPRO_SINC_FLAG) return FALSE;
if (height != NULL) *height = params->height;
if (step != NULL) *step = params->step;
if (halfwidth != NULL) *halfwidth = params->halfwidth;
if (shoulder != NULL) *shoulder = params->shoulder;
return TRUE;
* ZPro_SincCalc(x, params)
* This internal routine calculates the value of a sinc function.
* Inputs:
* x location at which to evaluate function.
* params pointer to the ZPRO_SINC data structure.
* Return: value of function at x.
static RL_FLT8 ZPro_SincCalc(x, params)
RL_FLT8 x;
RL_VOID *params;
ZPRO_SINC *sincpar;
RL_FLT8 arg, value;
sincpar = (ZPRO_SINC *) params;
/* Handle mathematical singularity at origin */
if (x == 0.) return sincpar->height;
/* Evaluate sinc function */
if (x < 0.) x = -x;
arg = x * sincpar->scale;
value = sincpar->height * sin(arg)/arg;
/* If we're not in shoulder region, return */
if (x <= sincpar->threshold) return value;
/* Otherwise, scale by shoulder function and return */
return value * 0.5 *
(1. + cos((x - sincpar->threshold) * sincpar->shoulder_scale));
* ZPro_PrintSinc(params)
* This internal routine prints information about a sinc function.
* Inputs:
* params pointer to the ZPRO_SINC data structure.
static void ZPro_PrintSinc(params)
RL_VOID *params;
ZPRO_SINC *sincpar;
sincpar = (ZPRO_SINC *) params;
/* Print sinc object info... */
printf("\nSinc software function parameters...\n");
printf(" height = %#g\n", sincpar->height);
printf(" step = %#g\n", sincpar->step);
printf("halfwidth = %#g\n", sincpar->halfwidth);
printf(" shoulder = %#g\n", sincpar->shoulder);
*$ Component_name:
* FPro_SincFunc (sinc.c)
*$ Abstract:
* This routine generates a sinc function object. A sinc function returns
* sin(pi*x)/(pi*x), scaled by an envelope function that goes smoothly to
* zero outside its domain.
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
* integer*4 function FPro_SincFunc(height, step, halfwidth, shoulder)
* real*8 height, step, halfwidth, shoulder
*$ Inputs:
* height peak y-value of function (at origin).
* step x-step between origin/zeroes of function.
* halfwidth x-value above which y-value is zero.
* shoulder x-width of truncation, modeled as a quarter-sinusoid.
*$ Outputs:
* none
*$ Returns:
* FORTRAN pointer to a new sinc function object, or 0 on non-fatal error.
*$ Detailed_description:
* This routine generates a sinc function object. A sinc function returns
* sin(pi*x)/(pi*x), scaled by an envelope function that goes smoothly to
* zero outside its domain. The x and y coordinates are initially unnamed.
* The envelope function used is as follows:
* 1 |x| < halfwidth - shoulder
* 0 |x| > halfwidth
* (1 + cos((|x|-(halfwidth-shoulder)) * pi/shoulder))/2
* otherwise
* This particular form has the advantage of being smooth throughout the
* domain.
*$ External_references:
* Profile toolkit
*$ Side_effects:
* Memory is allocated.
*$ Examples:
* This line of code creates a sinc function with height 2 and with zeros
* spaced by unity, with a full width of 10 and no shoulder transition
* region.
* sinc = Pro_SincFunc(2.d0, 1.d0, 5.d0, 0.d0)
*$ Error_handling:
* Profile toolkit error handling is in effect.
* Conditions raised:
* RL_MEMORY_ERROR on memory allocation error.
*$ Limitations:
* none
*$ Author_and_institution:
* Mark R. Showalter
* NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
* 1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
* none
RL_INT4 FORTRAN_NAME(fpro_sincfunc) (height, step, halfwidth, shoulder)
RL_FLT8 *height, *step, *halfwidth, *shoulder;
RL_VOID *ptr;
RL_INT4 index;
ptr = (RL_VOID *) Pro_SincFunc(*height, *step, *halfwidth, *shoulder);
if (ptr == NULL) return 0;
index = FORT_AddPointer(ptr);
if (index == 0) Pro_FreeObject((PRO_OBJECT *) ptr);
return index;
*$ Component_name:
* FPro_SincInfo (sinc.c)
*$ Abstract:
* This routine returns information about a sinc function object.
*$ Keywords:
*$ Declarations:
* logical*4 function FPro_SincInfo(sinc, height, step, halfwidth,
* shoulder)
* integer*4 sinc
* real*8 height, step, halfwidth, shoulder
*$ Inputs:
* sinc FORTRAN pointer to a sinc function object.
*$ Outputs:
* height peak y-value of function (at origin).
* step x-step between origin/zeroes of function.
* halfwidth x-value above which y-value is zero.
* shoulder x-width of truncation, modeled as a half-sinusoid.
*$ Returns:
* .TRUE. if this is a sinc function; .FALSE. otherwise.
*$ Detailed_description:
* This routine returns information about a sinc function object.
*$ External_references:
* Profile toolkit
*$ Side_effects:
* none
*$ Examples:
* This snippet of code of code prints the step size in a sinc function.
* integer*4 sinc
* real*8 height, step, halfwidth, shoulder
* call FPro_SincInfo(sinc, height, step, halfwidth, shoulder)
* write(*,*) 'Step size = ', step
*$ Error_handling:
* Profile toolkit error handling is in effect.
* Conditions raised:
* PRO_CLASS_ERROR if this is not a software function object.
* FORTRAN_POINTER_ERROR if sinc is not a valid FORTRAN object pointer.
*$ Limitations:
* none
*$ Author_and_institution:
* Mark R. Showalter
* NASA/Ames Research Center
*$ Version_and_date:
* 1.0: March 1998
*$ Change_history:
* none
RL_INT4 FORTRAN_NAME(fpro_sincinfo) (sinc, height, step, halfwidth, shoulder)
RL_INT4 *sinc;
RL_FLT8 *height, *step, *halfwidth, *shoulder;
RL_VOID *ptr;
RL_BOOL status;
/* Look up sinc function pointer */
ptr = FORT_GetPointer(*sinc);
if (ptr == NULL) return 0;
/* Return info */
status = Pro_SincInfo(ptr, height, step, halfwidth, shoulder);
return status ? FTRUE:FFALSE;