PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = VARIABLE_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = UNK SPACECRAFT_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "COMPOSITE INFRARED SPECTROMETER" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "SATURN TOUR" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2006-04-01 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCINFO.TXT --------------- This file resides in the DOCUMENT directory on a CIRS Archive Volume. In this directory there should be (not including PDS labels for all files): DATASIS.TEX - ASCII LaTeX version of the CIRS Time Sequential Data Record Data Product Software Interface Specification Document (CIRS TSDR Data Product SIS) DATASIS.PDF - PDF version of the above document. DOCINFO.TXT - this document VOLSIS.TEX - LaTeX ASCII version of the CIRS Time Sequential Data Record Volume Organisation Software Interface Specification Document (CIRS TSDR Volume Organistaion SIS) VOLSIS.PDF - PDF version of the above document. CIRS_FOV_OVERVIEW.TXT - description of the sizes, shapes and positions of the CIRS instrument fields of view. CIRS_FOV_OVERVIEW.PDF - PDF version of above document. cirs_fov_overview.fig1.tiff cirs_fov_overview.fig2.tiff cirs_fov_overview.fig3.tiff - TIFF diagrams associated with CIRS_FOV_OVERVIEW.TXT cirs_cal_eqns.doc - MS Word version of calibration equations. cirs_cal_eqns.pdf - PDF version of calibration equations. cirs_cal_eqns.ps - PS version of calibration equations. cirs_interferences.pdf - PDF document describing CIRS noise interferences ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISC FIGURES: (.PS=POSTSCRIPT .EPS=ENCAPSULATED POSTSCRIPT) cassini_config.ps: diagram of cassini spacecraft cassini-rsp.ps: diagram of cassini remote sensing palette cirs_concept_hires.eps: diagram of CIRS instruments cirsmechanical2.eps: CIRS instrument mechanical drawing pixel-modes.eps: CIRS pixel modes schematic fir_calib_1.eps FIR calibration step 1 fir_calib_2.eps FIR calibration step 2 fir_calib_3.eps FIR calibration step 3 mir_calib_1.eps MIR calibration step 1 mir_calib_2.eps MIR calibration step 2 mir_calib_3.eps MIR calibration step 3