- CIRS Intro
- About CIRS Original Format Data
- Naming Conventions
- Find Original Format Data
- Documentation
Finding the CIRS Data You Want
1. Search Options
Use our search engine, OPUS to search for specific Cassini CIRS data products using a wide range of criteria.
- Search results include data files, tables of associated metadata, and footprint diagrams for each observation. User selected data files can be bundled as tar.gz files for easy downloading.
The Access Original Format Data tab, provides a link to each volume and gives the time interval covered by the volume.
For more detailed searching, you can use the VOLUME_ID, coupled with subdirectory and file names (browse the data directories), or the INDEX.TAB files to find specific data (see below).
2. Interpreting the VOLUME_ID
The volume ID takes the form COCIRS_XXXX, where
- COCIRS is the PDS abbreviation for Cassini Orbiter, Composite Infrared Spectrometer.
- XXXX is the beginning month for the data volume, in the form YYMM starting with 0010. The data volume IDs are not sequential, particularly for the pre-SOI phase.
A brief overview of the various file types is given in a file DATAINFO.TXT in the DATA directory of each volume.
A comprehensive description of the file structure and various data ‘fragments’ is given in the Data Product and Label SIS, found in the DOCUMENTS directory on every volume:
3. Volume INDEX files
Each volume has an COCIRS_0xxx/COCIRS_0xxx/INDEX/ subdirectory containing several files including INDXINFO.TXT, which summarizes the structure and contents of the files in the INDEX subdirectory.
Users are encouraged to read an **INDXINFO.TXT before working with the files in the INDEX subdirectory.**
INDEX.TAB: an ASCII table file with one row for each data file on the volume. For Cassini CIRS, each index table contains only 8 columns and has limited utility for narrowing a search unless you know the time associated with the data for which you are searching.
INDEX.LBL: the detached PDS label file for the INDEX.TAB file. This is a text file giving names and definitions of all the columns in the index.
C_TOL.ASC and S_TOL.ASC: Text tables listing all the spacecraft activities during the period (C23, S01 etc). C = (C)ruise sequence (prior to SOI); S = tour (S)equence. These may be used for determining the times of individual observations.
4. Where to go next
Use the tabs at the top of this page to obtain more information about the original format CIRS data.
Access the original format data
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