
7.0 Radiometric Calibration Steps

Modified version of draft by Alfred McEwen and James Winburn ( Reference 7-1), incorporating comments from C. Avis (Reference 7-2 through 7-5 ), G. Yagi (Reference 7-2), R. West (Reference 7-4 and 7-5 ), and E. Romo

Reference 7-1 - E-mail, " Cassini ISS Calibration", Alfred McEwen, October 15, 1997
Reference 7-2 - E-mail, "Review of Alfred's Calibration Outline", Charlie Avis, October 24, 1997
Reference 7-3 - E-mail, "Modified Section 7.0 Radiometric Steps", Charlie Avis, May 14, 1998  
Reference 7-4 - IOM 388-PAG-CCA98-14, " NAC FM Calibration Results : Nonlinear Response Terms", Bob West and Charlie Avis, July 20, 1998 (see Section
Reference 7-5 - IOM 388-PAG-CCA98-15, " NAC FM Calibration Results : Nonlinear Response Terms", Bob West and Charlie Avis, July 20, 1998 (see Section

Below is the summary of the calibration steps required to radiometrically correct the NAC and WAC images.

Step 1 - Conversion from 8-12 Bit Word

If the data was sent through a 12-8 bit converter, convert it back to 12 bits (16 bits actually).

The conversion type used is stored in the VICAR label as an item called conversion_type.

conversion_type = VICAR_label.conversion_type;

Step 2 - Uneven Bit Weight Correction

Uneven_bit_weight_table stored in tables with names of format:
camera_gain_optics-temperature, specifically:

Note: There are some combinations of camera, gain state, summation mode and optics temperature for which UBW tables were not produced. The detected DN's for these cases should NOT be altered unless tables are created from in-flight data or model tables are produced.

This step can be skipped for DCT-compressed (Lossy) data.

Step 3 - Computation of Bias and Subtraction from DN 

DN = DN - frame_bias

The frame bias can be retrieved either from the OFFSET label (mean of all available offset values), or as the average of the overclocked pixels which are stored in the binary prefix of each line.

Note : For prelaunch calibration frames, the VICAR label item OFFSET contained the mean value of all available Overclocked Pixels. This value was, however, truncated to an integer. For Flight data, this value will be floating point and the code will throw out the huge spurious values that appear from time to time before creating the mean.

Step 4 - Subtract Dark Frame 

DN_Step4(i,j) = DN_Step3(i,j) - Dark_cal(i,j)

Dark_cal frame accounts for dark current (DC) and Residual Bulk Image (RBI), and varies with camera, gain, exposure time, summation mode, compression mode, framing time, readout rate, T of CCD, T of sensor head if gain 3, etc., and may change over time.

Earch Dark_cal frame is typically produced for many (order 10) individual dark frames, to despike and average. Dark-current frames should have their offset subtracted before being included in any average. This not only makes the frames consistent, but removes the Gain 3 dependence upon temperature, because it is the offset which is being affected.


Also, it is desirable to average many dark frames in order to remove radiation spikes and correct for the low-level graininesss. We especially cannot dedicate ~90% of our data rate to dark frames.


1. Collect standard dark frames for commonly used modes and typical temperatures (order 100 calibration files). Update in-flight at Jupiter and ~once/year at Saturn.

100 x 1024 x 1024 x 2 bytes = 210 MBytes to keep on-line.

Note : There was not a great amount of data , therefore not a great amount of analysis, comparing dark current data among the different gain states. Dark current calibration data (with integration times from 0 seconds to 20 minutes) was only taken in Gain State 3. The comparison made among the gain states was for the bias frames (integration time of 0 seconds). This evaluation noted different line profiles among the gain states with the only similarity being between gain state 3 and gain state 2 (both 1x1 summation mode). It has been noted that dark current line profiles are influenced by many factors : transfer rate from detector to memory (telemetry rate), size of image file, light flood (for exposures longer than 1 second), etc. Suffice it to say that more data and analysis is required in the future to determine how applicable and accurate it is to use the gain ratios for dark current calibrations among the different gain states. Although, comparison of bias frames for gain state 3 and 2, using the gain ratios, showed a difference of 1 DN.

2. Gary Yagi's camera model in the planning tools does a good job of predicting the dark-current (and its dependence upon line number), but not lightflood spatial variation.

3. When photometry is critical, plan in-flight dark frames as part of each observation sequence.

Calibration program must either look for appropriate standard dark correction frame or accept a user-input dark_cal frame.

Step 5 - Correction for Bright/Dark Differences in Anti-Blooming Mode 

(Algorithm to be constructed.)

DN_Step5(i,j) = f{DN_Step4(i,j)}

NOTE : The algorithm should recognize when each of the bright/dark pixel pairs becomes a problem. This depends on both the exposure time and the size of the trap which can be obtained from the calibration files provided for pixel pair identification. We would probably want to do nothing to a bright/dark pair if the exposure time is not long and/or if the size of the trap is small (~ a few percent for the longest exposures).

Step 6 - Correct for Non-Linearity  

Linearity tests made during thermal vac calibration revealed nonlinear behavior. Departures from linearity (decreased sensitivity at high DN levels) were strongest for Gain State 0, 4x4 Summation. To correct for this nonlinear behavior, a correction factor (see Reference 7-4 and 7-5) must be applied. Note : Corrected DN values greater than 4095 will result in some cases even though the data were not actually saturated. This fact will have an effect on the radiometric correction software.

Step 7 - Correct for Sensor Blemishes 

(Algorithm to be constructed.)

Notes :
a) The calibration blemish files currently identify the bad pixel and which of its neighbors are good.
b) In order to track if a pixel has been interpolated, a suggestion was made to add a bad data binary header to each image (similar to what Galileo did).

To continue calibration with flat-field files (not produced by the development team), continue with Steps 8 through 14.

To continue calibration with radiometric slope files (delivered by the development team), proceed to Steps 15 through 19.

Step 8 - Multiply by Gain Constant 

DN_step8(i,j) = DN_Step7(i,j) x g

See tables in System Gain calibration reports.

Step 9 - Divide by Flat-Field (FF) File

DN_step9(i,j) = DN_Step8(i,j) / FF(i,j)

FF(i,j) calibration files must be derived for each filter combination that will be used (63 NAC / 30 WAC), and for full (2 gain states), 2x2, and 4x4 modes, for a total of 372 FF files.

Notes :
a) Flat-field frames in all filter combinations were only taken in 1x1 Gain 2.
b) The slope files contain values in picoamp-msec/DN and thus are gain -dependent and are not normalized flat field frames. The gain ratios derived from calibration are used in the correction.
c) A few Gain 3 slope files were made (clear only) .


Step 10 - Divide By Exposure Time

DN_step10(i,j) = DN_Step9(i,j) / t(i)

where t(i) = T - to(i)

T is commanded exposure time (from image labels) to(i) is shutter offset; varies almost linearly with sample number

read to(i) from lookup tables for each camera and optics temperature; interpolate to actual optics temperature.

Anomaly: bright band across image, not understood.

Note : The shutter offset files have been produced (see Appendix E). There is one for each camera at each of three optics temperatures:


These are VICAR binary image files (1 line by 1024 R*4) samples.

Step 11 - Divide by Area of Optics and Solid Angle of 1 Pixel 

DN_step11(i,j) = DN_Step10(i,j) / (A*omega)

Step 12 - Divide by Spectral Transmission and QE 

DN_step12(i,j) = DN_Step11(i,j) / S (f1,f2)

S is the integral over wavelength of optics and filter transmissions and CCD QE (see R. West write-up).

Note : The tables of wavelength vs. transmissions and QE exist but the integrals have not been produced. Gary's planning tool code does the integrals on the fly.

Step 13 - Apply Calibration Fudge Factor 

DN_step13(i,j) = DN_Step12(i,j) / C(f1,f2)

C(f1,f2) corrects to absolute sensitivity from observations of stars or other objects whose intensity is independently calibrated. Should be close to unity.

Step 13 produces an array of intensities averaged over the spectral bandpass.

Step 14 - Convert to I/F 

DN_step14(i,j) = DN_Step13(i,j) / pi x F x D^2

D is distance to the sun in AU.
See R. West write-up.

Program outputs image in units of radiance or I/F.


Step 15 - Multiply by Slope File 

DN_step15(i,j) = DN_Step7(i,j) x S(i,j,g,f1,f2,T)

See Radiometric Slope Files calibration reports, and also Appendix E for the Radiometric Slope File data.
Notes :
a) Flat-field frames in all filter combinations were only taken in 1x1 Gain 2.
b) The slope files contain values in picoamp-msec/DN and thus are gain -dependent and are not normalized flat field frames
c) A few Gain 3 slope files were made (clear only) .

Step 16 - Multiply by Ratio of Gains 

DN_step16(i,j) = DN_Step15(i,j) x Gi/Gs

See tables in System Gain calibration reports.
In order to use the Slope files S to correct all gain states, the result must be scaled by the ratio of the e/dn of the image over the e/dn of the slope file.

output units are picoamp-msec

Step 17 - Divide By Exposure Time 

DN_step17(i,j) = DN_Step16(i,j) / t(i)

where t(i) = T - to(i)

output units are picoamps

T is commanded exposure time (from image labels) to(i) is shutter offset; varies almost linearly with sample number .

Read to(i) from lookup tables for each camera and optics temperature; interpolate to actual optics temperature.

Anomaly: bright band across image, not understood.

Note : The shutter offset files have been produced (see Appendix E). There is one for each camera at each of three optics temperatures:


These are VICAR binary image files (1 line by 1024 R*4) samples.

Step 18 - Convert to Radiance Units or I/F 

DN_step18(i,j) = DN_Step17(i,j) x R1(f1,f2)

output units in nanowatts/cm2 /sr/nm

DN_step18(i,j) = DN_Step17(i,j) x R2(f1,f2,D)

output units in I/F or albedo' units

R1 and R2 are filter-dependent conversion factors
D is distance to the sun in AU.
See R. West write-up.

Step 19 - Apply Calibration Fudge Factor 

DN_step19(i,j) = DN_Step18(i,j) / C(f1,f2)

C(f1,f2) corrects to absolute sensitivity from observations of stars or other objects whose intensity is independently calibrated. Should be close to unity.

Step 19 produces an array of intensities averaged over the spectral bandpass.