Logging into the web page twice

We are using a provided configuration file to have password-protected access to the web page. The programmer designed the configuration file so that a user would have to login for each frame. The ISS web page initializes with 2 frames, therefore, for the time being , we all have to login twice.
"Document Contains No Data" message When you see this, don't believe it. The file actually does contain data. Investigation into this problem leads us to believe it is related to the configuration file that allows password-protected access only. We need to work on this. You will only get this error when you are trying to access a file which defines frames (that means "home" and Appendix E6). Usually a "reload", or a couple of "reloads", will fix the problem. Some other tricks to avoid the problem is to set your cache to "0" so that the "No Documentation" is not stored , or to look at the "Document Source" under "View" in your browser and attempt to open the file(s) that are called out in the "frame-defining" file. Another option is to go directly to the navigation bar, which should link you to where you want to go. Perhaps the most efficient workaround, if attempting to reload the document becomes too cumbersome, is to bookmark the "Table of Contents". The "Table of Contents" provides a link to all files without using frames. You may want to avoid using the "Home" button located on some of the pages, because it will bring you back to the original home page which has frames.