Vital Statistics for Jupiter’s Rings

Rings of Jupiter

Feature Inner Boundary (km) Outer Boundary (km) Optical Depth Vertical Thickness (km) Type Associated Moons Footnotes Comments
Halo 100,000 122,400 ~10^-6 ~10,000 Tenuous, broad   1,2 Densest in a central core < 1000 km thick.
Main Ring 122,400 129,100 < 8 x 10^-6 100 Tenuous, broad Metis, Adrastea 1,2 Metis and Adrastea orbit near its outer edge.
Amalthea Gossamer Ring 122,400 181,350 ~5 x 10^-7 2600 Tenuous, broad Amalthea 1,2 Inner component of the Gossamer Ring, bounded by the orbit of Amalthea. Inner boundary is not well defined.
Thebe Gossamer Ring 122,400 221,900 ~10^-7 8800 Tenuous, broad Thebe 1,2 Outer component of the Gossamer Ring, bounded by the orbit of Thebe.
Thebe Extension 221,900 270,000 ~10^-9 8800 Tenuous, broad Thebe 1,2 A very faint outward extension to the Thebe Ring.

The table of Jupiter’s inner satellites can be found here.


  1. De Pater, I., et al. 2018. The rings of Jupiter. In M. S. Tiscareno and C. D. Murray (eds.), Planetary Ring Systems, Cambridge University Press, 125-134. DOI: 10.1017/9781316286791.006

  2. Burns, J.A., et al. 1999. The formation of Jupiter’s faint rings. Science 284, 1146-1150. DOI:10.1126/science.284.5417.1146