Saturn Viewer Example: Dione/Rhea Mutual Event

As listed in Table 5 of Arlot and Thuillot (Icarus 105, 427-440, 1993), Dione will partially occult Rhea on 20 May 1995.

Dione/Rhea Event

Input Parameters

 Observation time (UTC): 1995-5-20 9:40:20
Field of view (seconds): .4
           Central body: Dione (604)
 Maximum star magnitude: 0.
      Minimum disk size: 0.
            Annotations: Off

Field of View Description (J2000)

     Body          RA                  Dec                 dRA (")    dDec (")
 699 Saturn        23h 37m 31.0944s    -4d 32m 17.477s       0.000      0.000
 601 Mimas         23h 37m 29.4856s    -4d 32m 14.960s     -24.057      2.517
 602 Enceladus     23h 37m 30.0147s    -4d 32m 16.188s     -16.145      1.289
 603 Tethys        23h 37m 33.5631s    -4d 32m 19.824s      36.913     -2.347
 604 Dione         23h 37m 32.6602s    -4d 32m 19.461s      23.412     -1.984
 605 Rhea          23h 37m 32.6623s    -4d 32m 19.510s      23.444     -2.033
 606 Titan         23h 37m 25.3684s    -4d 32m 10.832s     -85.621      6.645
 607 Hyperion      23h 37m 18.9326s    -4d 32m 06.338s    -181.856     11.140
 608 Iapetus       23h 37m 55.1383s    -4d 30m 38.347s     359.527     99.130
 610 Janus         23h 37m 32.4285s    -4d 32m 19.156s      19.949     -1.678
 611 Epimetheus    23h 37m 30.7588s    -4d 32m 17.054s      -5.018      0.423
 612 Helene        23h 37m 28.7253s    -4d 32m 14.516s     -35.425      2.961
 613 Telesto       23h 37m 33.2595s    -4d 32m 19.718s      32.374     -2.241
 614 Calypso       23h 37m 31.1903s    -4d 32m 18.463s       1.433     -0.986
 615 Atlas         23h 37m 32.2883s    -4d 32m 18.940s      17.851     -1.462
 616 Prometheus    23h 37m 32.1314s    -4d 32m 18.752s      15.506     -1.275
 617 Pandora       23h 37m 30.5602s    -4d 32m 16.810s      -7.988      0.667

  Subsolar latitude (deg):   2.67976  to   2.73505
 Ring opening angle (deg):   0.05473  (lit)