Voyager IRIS Data Set Overview (“AAREADME” file)


Click for the original text version of AAREADME.TXT.


This volume contains IRIS full resolution spectral data and associated
pointing and geometric information for the Voyager 1 and 2 Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune encounters. Data contained here were obtained between
1979 and 1989.

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Volume Information

This disc contains full-resolution (RDR) spectral observations produced
by the Voyager IRIS experiments for each encounter of the Voyager mission.
Data are grouped in subdirectories for each of the Outer Planets; within
each subdirectory are the data files, PDS label files, and associated
calibration files available for that planet. For Jupiter and Saturn, there
are separate files for Voyager 1 and 2.

This volume follows the structure outlined below:                         
 |- AAREADME.TXT          The file you are reading.                       
 |- ERRATA.TXT            Description of known anomalies and              
 |                        errors present on this volume.                  
 |- VOLDESC.CAT           A description of the contents of this           
 |                        CD_ROM volume in a format readable by           
 |                        both humans and computers.                      
 |- [CATALOG]             A directory containing information              
 |     |                  about the data set.                             
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- CATINFO.TXT     Description of files in this directory.         
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- MISSION.CAT     Description of the Voyager missions.            
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG1HOST.CAT     Description of the Voyager 1                    
 |     |- VG2HOST.CAT     and 2 spacecraft.                               
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG1INST.CAT     Description of the VG1 IRIS instrument.         
 |     |- VG2INST.CAT     Description of the VG2 IRIS instrument.         
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- JIRIS_DS.CAT    Description of the data set(s) and              
 |     |- SIRIS_DS.CAT    a list of pertinent references for              
 |     |- UIRIS_DS.CAT    each of the Outer Planets.                      
 |     |- NIRIS_DS.CAT                                                    
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- PERS.CAT        A listing of the people involved in the         
 |     |                  production of this data set and CD-ROM.         
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- REFS.CAT        A list of pertinent references.                 
 |- [JUPITER]             A directory containing the data, calibration,   
 |     |                  and PDS label files for the Voyager 1 and 2     
 |     |                  Jupiter encounters.                             
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG1_JUP.DAT     VG1 IRIS Jupiter data.                          
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG1_JUP.LBL     PDS label describing VG1_JUP.DAT.               
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG2_JUP.DAT     VG2 IRIS Jupiter data.                          
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG2_JUP.LBL     PDS label describing VG2_JUP.DAT.               
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- IRISHEDR.FMT    PDS label format file describing header         
 |     |                  fields that preceed each IRIS spectral          
 |     |                  record.  This file is required to accompany     
 |     |                  the PDS labels for these data.                  
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- [CALIB]         A directory containing the calibration          
 |     |     |            files and associated labels.                    
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1JNESR.DAT Voyager 1 interferometer noise equivalent    
 |     |     |               spectral radiance data file.                 
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2JNESR.DAT Voyager 2 interferometer noise equivalent    
 |     |     |               spectral radiance data file.                 
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1PREJT.LBL PDS label for Voyager 1 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer pre-Jupiter       
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1PREJT.DAT Voyager 1 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for pre-Jupiter encounter period.            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PREJT.LBL PDS label for Voyager 2 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer pre-Jupiter       
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PREJT.DAT Voyager 2 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for pre-Jupiter encounter period.            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1PSTJT.LBL PDS label for Voyager 1 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer post-Jupiter      
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1PSTJT.DAT Voyager 1 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for post-Jupiter encounter period.           
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PSTJT.LBL PDS label for Voyager 2 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer post-Jupiter      
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PSTJT.DAT Voyager 2 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for post-Jupiter encounter period.           
 |     |     |               record.                                      
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- IRISTRGP.FMT PDS label format file describing fields      
 |     |     |               in target plate calibration data files.      
 |- [SATURN]              A directory containing the data, calibration,   
 |     |                  and PDS label files for the Voyager 1 and 2     
 |     |                  Saturn encounters.                              
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG1_SAT.DAT     VG1 IRIS Saturn data.                           
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG1_SAT.DAT     describing VG1_SAT.DAT.                         
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG2_SAT.DAT     VG2 IRIS Saturn data.                           
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG2_SAT.LBL     PDS label describing VG2_SAT.DAT.               
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- IRISHEDR.FMT    PDS label format file describing header         
 |     |                  fields that preceed each IRIS spectral          
 |     |                  record.  This file is required to accompany     
 |     |                  the PDS labels for these data.                  
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- [CALIB]        A directory containing the calibration           
 |     |     |           files and associated labels.                     
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1SNESR.DAT Voyager 1 interferometer noise equivalent    
 |     |     |               spectral radiance data file.                 
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2SNESR.DAT Voyager 2 interferometer noise equivalent    
 |     |     |               spectral radiance data file.                 
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1PREST.LBL PDS label for Voyager 1 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer pre-Saturn        
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1PREST.DAT Voyager 1 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for pre-Saturn encounter period.             
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PREST.LBL PDS label for Voyager 2 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer pre-Saturn        
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PREST.DAT Voyager 2 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for pre-Saturn encounter period.             
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1PSTST.LBL PDS label for Voyager 1 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer post-Saturn       
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG1PSTST.DAT Voyager 1 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for post-Saturn encounter period.            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- IRISTRGP.FMT PDS label format file describing fields      
 |     |     |               in target plate calibration data files.      
 |- [URANUS]              A directory containing the data,                
 |     |                  calibration, and PDS label files                
 |     |                  for the Voyager 2 Uranus encounter.             
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG2_URA.DAT     VG2 IRIS Uranus data.                           
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG2_URA.LBL     PDS label describing VG2_URA.DAT.               
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- IRISHEDR.FMT    PDS label format file describing header         
 |     |                  fields that preceed each IRIS spectral          
 |     |                  record.  This file is required to accompany     
 |     |                  the PDS labels for these data.                  
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- [CALIB]        A directory containing the calibration           
 |     |     |           files and associated labels.                     
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2UNESR.DAT Voyager 2 interferometer noise equivalent    
 |     |     |               spectral radiance data file.                 
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PREUT.LBL PDS label for Voyager 2 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer pre-Uranus        
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PREUT.DAT Voyager 2 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for pre-Uranus encounter period.             
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PSTUT.LBL PDS label for Voyager 2 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer post-Uranus       
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PSTUT.DAT Voyager 2 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for post-Uranus encounter period.            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- IRISTRGP.FMT PDS label format file describing fields      
 |     |     |               in target plate calibration data files.      
 |- [NEPTUNE]             A directory containing the data,                
 |     |                  calibration, and PDS label files                
 |     |                  for the Voyager 2 Neptune encounter.            
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG2_NEP.DAT     VG2 IRIS Neptune data.                          
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- VG2_NEP.LBL     PDS label describing VG2_NEP.DAT.               
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- IRISHEDR.FMT    PDS label format file describing header         
 |     |                  fields that preceed each IRIS spectral          
 |     |                  record.  This file is required to accompany     
 |     |                  the PDS labels for these data.                  
 |     |                                                                  
 |     |- [CALIB]        A directory containing the calibration           
 |     |     |           files and associated labels.                     
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2NNESR.DAT Voyager 2 interferometer noise equivalent    
 |     |     |               spectral radiance data file.                 
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PRENT.LBL PDS label for Voyager 2 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer pre-Neptune       
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PRENT.DAT Voyager 2 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for pre-Neptune encounter period.            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PSTNT.LBL PDS label for Voyager 2 target plate         
 |     |     |               calibration for radiometer post-Neptune      
 |     |     |               encounter period.                            
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- VG2PSTNT.DAT Voyager 2 target plate calibration data      
 |     |     |               for post-Neptune encounter period.           
 |     |     |                                                            
 |     |     |- IRISTRGP.FMT PDS label format file describing fields      
 |     |     |               in target plate calibration data files.      

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Disc Format

This disk has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems
(e.g. IBM PC, Macintosh, Sun, VAX) may access the data. Specifically,
the disk is formatted according to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange
Standard. For further information, refer to the ISO 9660 Standard
Document: RF# ISO 9660-1988, 15 April 1988.

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File Format

All data files on this disc are accompanied by detached
PDS labels, which describe their contents. PDS TEXT
objects include attached labels. All PDS labels include an SFDU
label in the first record. Labels have the same file name as the
primary data file but have a suffix “.LBL” appended.

Each of the data and calibration files included here are in binary
form, with the number of records and record structure documented in the
associated PDS label files.

To use the data files on VAX/VMS computer systems, the file
characteristics will need to be modified using the VMS FILE utility.
File modification should take the following form:

$ FILE data_file.dat/RECORD_SIZE=rrrr/MAXIMUM_RECORD_SIZE=rrrr

Following is a list of record sizes for each of the encounters’ data
and calibration files:

Encounter	Record Size                                                        
    =========       ===========                                           
     Jupiter           4736                                               
     Saturn            4736                                               
     Uranus            1576                                               
     Neptune           1760                                               

For example, to convert the data file VG1_SAT.DAT, issue the following


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This archiving project was initiated by Steve Lee of the
Planetary Data System (PDS) Atmospheres (ATM) Discipline Node (DN)
at the University of Colorado. Assistance in preparing the data set
and associated documentation was provided by Sally Lasater and Andrew
Weir at the University of Colorado, and Barney Conrath, John Pearl, and
Carolyn Martin at Goddard Space Flight Center. The archival products which
result from this activity will be delivered to the PDS ATM DN. Assistance
in developing the structure of this volume and format of the catalog
files was provided principally by Ron Joyner of PDS at JPL.

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Peer Review

These data were peer reviewed under the direction of the PDS Atmospheres
Node in April of 1993. The following persons participated in this

Chris Barnet
Reta Beebe
Barney Conrath
Luke Dones
Peter Gierasch
Sue Hess
Sally Lasater
Steve Lee
Julio Magalhaes
Glen Orton
John Pearl
Bill Sandel
Mark Showalter
Andrew Weir

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Although consderable care has gone into making this volume
set, errors are both possible and likely. Users of the data are
advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with
any other unknown data set.

Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please
contact one of the persons listed below.

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Whom to Contact for Information

For questions concerning this volume or the data sets and documentation
contained herein, contact:

Steven W. Lee
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Campus Box 392
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0392
Phone: 303-492-5348

For questions concerning how to read this CD_ROM or about PDS standards, contact:

Jason Hyon
MS 525-389
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone: 818-306-6054

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