Slope Processes
These two buttes in the Elysium Basin exhibit many small dark streaks on their slopes. Each streak is the result of mass-movement (landslides). Darker streaks appear to be younger than the brighter ones. Image from MOC taken in April 1998.
Cataloging Keywords:
Name |
Value |
Additional Values |
Target |
Mars |
System |
Target Type |
Planet |
Mission |
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) |
Instrument Host |
Mars Global Surveyor |
Host Type |
Orbiter |
Instrument |
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) |
Detector |
Extra Keywords |
Grayscale |
Acquisition Date |
Release Date |
1999-07-19 |
Date in Caption |
Image Credit |
Source | |
Identifier |
PIA02083 |