Third MOC View of Opportunity Landing Site
17 February 2004
Around 19:03 UTC on 15 February 2004, the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft flew almost directly over the Mars Exploration Rover (MER-B), Opportunity, landing site. The MGS Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team decided, therefore, to take MOC's third picture of the lander. Unlike the previous two images, this attempt did not require rolling the spacecraft to hit the target. The image shows the location of the lander in its small impact crater; it also shows the locations of the parachute/backshell and the area disturbed by landing rockets and the first bounce. The heat shield impact site was too far east for the camera to view. The Opportunity landing site is near 2.0°S, 5.6°W in Meridiani Planum. Sunlight illuminates the scene from the left. The 150 meter scale bar is about 164 yards long. The image is not map-projected; north is toward the top/upper right.
Cataloging Keywords:
Name |
Value |
Additional Values |
Target |
Mars |
System |
Target Type |
Planet |
Mission |
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) |
Mars Exploration Rover (MER) |
Instrument Host |
Mars Global Surveyor |
Opportunity (MER-B) |
Host Type |
Orbiter |
Rover |
Instrument |
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) |
Detector |
Extra Keywords |
Crater, Grayscale, Impact, Map |
Acquisition Date |
Release Date |
2004-02-17 |
Date in Caption |
2004-02-15 |
2004-02-17 |
Image Credit |
NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems |
Source | |
Identifier |
PIA05299 |