Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract deadline: June 4 (same as the DPS abstract deadline)
Submit to: abstracts@ringside.arc.nasa.gov

We will accept abstracts in a variety of formats: Using the DPS abstract template, plain TeX, LaTeX, Postscript, Microsoft Word RTF, or plain ASCII text. The first line of the abstract should contain the title. The second line should contain a list of authors and their affiliations. The body of the text should follow. Each abstract must fit on a single 8.5x11 inch sheet of paper.

There will be no “speaker’s rule,” so participants may submit more than one abstract if they wish. We encourage presentations describing data sets not yet fully analyzed, as well as presentations of more definitive results. Contributors are free to submit abstracts on the same material to the DPS meeting.

Representative Topics

  • Data Set Overviews: circumstances, goals, instruments, properties.
  • Main Rings: thickness, asymmetries, pole precession, atmosphere
  • F Ring: structure, clump/moon interpretations
  • E and G Rings: structure, photometry, dynamical models
  • Small moons: astrometry, photometry, orbits, Prometheus explanations