Transportation between Boston & Wellesley

Wellesley is located about 13 miles west of Boston.

Regularly scheduled commuter rail service is available between Boston and Wellesley. The Wellesley station is about half a mile from the College Club. The MBTA subway runs from Cambridge to Woodland on the Green Line, but the Woodland stop is several miles from the campus, which makes this less convenient.

If you choose to drive from Boston, follow these directions:

Take Rte. 16 West from Boston into the center of the town of Wellesley. Route 135 will go straight, and Rt. 16 will take a left turn at the intersection. Follow Rt. 16 for about 1/2 mile until you come to a light. There is a golf course on the left, and the entrance to Wellesley College is on the right. Take a right into the campus, and after 50 feet take the first left. This is the Wellesley College Club.