Voyager ISS Voyager ISS Calibration Memo 1989-08-18

New Calibration Factors 
* Combined Atm and Satellites comparisons 
  used to modify photometry 
* FICOR has new values as of 8/18 
  PICS on JPLTVJ has new files 
                 PM on 8/18 
* Check with Don Rudy for when 
  RADCAL and FICOR data files 
  are updated on VISA microVaxs 
                       Torrence V. Johnson 

* * *

VGRCAL88        8       15       89 
                           TABLE 1A NARROW ANGLE 
            0.344    0.414     0.48    0.474    0.561    0.589 
   ROW      UV       VI       BL       CL       GR       OR        WT      COMMENTS 
       1     1.25    1.042        1      ERR      ERR     0.96           8 VGR 1&2, 4 SATELLITES, MCFADDEN ET A 
       2     1.19    1.095        1     0.97      0.9    0.905           2 EUROPA, TR.&LEAD; 
       3     1.34     1.16        1      ERR     0.97     0.96           2 RHEA - CLARK AND OWENSBY 
       4     1.41    1.133        1     1.09    0.897    0.907           3 R,D,T - NOLAND ET AL 
       5     1.27     1.16        1     0.98     0.89     0.91           3 H,P,I - THOLEN AND ZELLNER 
       6     1.17    1.105        1    1.067     0.95     0.96           1 TITAN - NEFF ET AL 
       7     1.08    1.119        1    1.026     0.96    0.949           1 URANUS, NEFF, LOCKWOOD, PLACQUE AVG. 
       8    1.122    1.184        1    1.035    0.917    0.929           1 URANUS - LOCKWOOD - POLLACK 8/89 
           <UV>     <VI>     <BL>     <CL>     <GR>     <OR> 
               10    8.336        8        0        0     7.68 
             2.38     2.19        2     1.94      1.8     1.81 
             2.68     2.32        2        0     1.94     1.92 
             4.23    3.399        3     3.27    2.691    2.721 
             3.81     3.48        3     2.94     2.67     2.73 
             1.17    1.105        1    1.067     0.95     0.96 
             1.08    1.119        1    1.026     0.96    0.949 
            1.122    1.184        1    1.035    0.917    0.929 
wt.avg   1.260571 1.101571        1 1.025272 0.917538 0.938047 
wt avg   1.277368 1.096315        1 1.024111 0.913727 0.937947 
sat only 
avg         1.229  1.12475        1    1.023 0.926285    0.935    <- use for Danielson et al. 
         0.103595 0.042159        0   0.0471 0.030616 0.023494              Table corrections 
                                                                            except UV 
avg      1.271666 1.115833        1  1.02675   0.9214 0.933666 
sat only 0.082949 0.041228        0 0.052504 0.032308 0.026373 
avg         1.101   1.1515        1   1.0305   0.9385    0.939 
atm only    0.021   0.0325        0   0.0045   0.0215     0.01       UV = 1.186 +/- .08 
avg max  1.332595 1.166909        1   1.0751 0.956901 0.958494               avg of sat. & atm 
avg nom.    1.229  1.12475        1    1.028 0.926285    0.935 
avg. min 1.125404 1.082590        1   0.9809 0.895669 0.911505 
savg max 1.354615 1.157062        1 1.079254 0.953708 0.960040 
savg nom 1.271666 1.115833        1  1.02675   0.9214 0.933666 
savg min 1.188717 1.074604        1 0.974245 0.889091 0.907293 

* * *

VGRCAL88        8       15       89 
                  TABLE 1B NARROW ANGLE 
   ROW      BL       CL       VI       GR       OR      5410      5190 
       1        1      ERR   1.0424   0.9277   0.9093   0.9238    1.537 URANUS - THOMPSON 
       2        1      ERR   1.0641   0.8842   0.9065   0.9056   1.3224 URANUS - POLLACK 8 
AVG             1      ERR   1.5325  0.90595   0.9079   0.9147   1.4297  -- use to 
                                                                            correct Danielson et al 

Note: Text to the right of the tables, shown in mixed case (not just UPPERCASE) is a transcription of handwritten comments of unknown origin. They are probably from either Torrence Johnson of Jim Pollack. –Mark Showalter, August 26, 2003