Finding the CIRS Data You Want
1. Search Options
Use our search engine, OPUS to search for specific Cassini CIRS data using a wide range of criteria.
- Search results include data files, tables of associated metadata, and footprint diagrams for each observation. User selected data files can be bundled as tar.gz files for easy downloading.
The Access Re-formatted Data page provides a link to each volume and gives the time interval covered by the volume.
As you develop your personal search strategies, you may wish to refer to the TUTORIAL.TXT file which contains the definitive documentation on the contents and structure of the re-formatted CIRS data.
2. Using Indices
Volume specific index files are located in the INDEX subdirectory on each volume. You can use the index files to refine a search within the volume. Index files have PDS labels, and those labels refer to .FMT files in the same directory that describe the column structure in each index.
The master index file INDEX/INDEX.TAB contains the general information about every data file on the volume (one data file per line). One keyword reported in the INDEX.TAB files is OBSERVATION_ID which contains the unique CIMS request ID associated with a given file. For information about how to interpret the CIMS ID, see section 3. Introduction to the Cassini Timeline under the About CIRS Re-formtted Data tab.
Supplemental index files INDEX/RININDEX.TAB, INDEX/POIINDEX.TAB and INDEX/ISPMINDEX.TAB contain tables of these additional parameters. They can be used for identifying, for example, which observation captured a particular latitude, longitude and incidence angle on the surface of Enceladus.
More detailed searches can be conducted by reading the metadata files row by row, which will enable you to identify the specific detectors that captured a target under the desired circumstances.
3. Directory and File Names
- Another option is to use the VOLUME_ID, coupled with subdirectory and file names and browse the data directories. See the Naming Conventions: Re-formtted Data tab for insights into the naming structures for the re-formatted data set.
4. Where to go next
Use the tabs at the top of this page to obtain more information about the re-formatted data.
Access the re-formatted data
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