Cassini ISS

The Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) consists of two cameras, narrow- angle and wide-angle. Each obtains fine-resolution monochromatic images between blue and near-infrared wavelengths.

Cassini ISS Calibration Software Update. (View a table of all CISSCAL release dates)

  • November 2019. CISSCAL updated to version 4.1
  • These updates are contained in the revised COISS_0011 volume (version 4.3).
  • Download the .tar.gz bundle.
  • Changes from version 3.9.1 include:
    • Improved logic in option file reader and cisscal_cl.pro
    • Changed formatting of bitweight files to ease parsing
    • Added logic to handle bias/2-hz noise removal for TABLE images of various gain states
    • Improved CISSCAL_Log formatting
    • Updates to polarized filter algorithm in make_polar_image.pro (see make_polar_image_readme.txt)
    • A final polarizer correction.

Cassini ISS Data User Guide Update.

  • September 2018. An updated version of the ISS User Guide is available.
  • Changes from previous versions include:
    • Completed the description of how to use CISSCAL making this version, and any subsequent versions, of the ISS User Guide the definitive source for how to use CISSCAL.
  • ISS Distortion. Provides an alternate Distortion Model for Cassini ISS.

For mission highlights and press release images, see our Cassini Gallery. You can also find more at JPL’s Cassini home page.

If you are unfamiliar with scientific image formats, consider taking Emily Lakdawalla’s free on-line course, Basics of Digital Imaging.

The ISS Tabs

The tabs associated with this page describe the ISS data files and how to obtain and use them.

  • About ISS Data - Discussion of the organization of the archive and links to key documents.
  • Finding Data - Suggestions on how to search the archive for specific data.
  • Accessing Data - Links to the data volumes.
  • ISS Calibration - Links to the calibration volumes.
  • ISS Software - Discussion of, and links to, available ISS calibration, image analysis, and image viewing software.