Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools 2018

Last updated: 3/1/2018, through Amendment 1.

Critical Dates

    Step-1 proposal due date:      5/10/2018

    Step-2 proposal due date:       7/12/2018


We provide a brief synopsis here; proposers must refer to the call for specifics.

The Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) program is described in Appendix C.7. See the NSPIRES website.

The Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration and Tools (PDART) solicits proposals to generate higher-order data products, archive and restore data sets or products, create or consolidate reference databases, digitize data, and develop or validate software tools.

For all types of proposals, it is expected that the products of selected proposals will be made available to the scientific community via the NASA PDS or equivalent archive. All proposals will be evaluated on the perceived impact of the new data products or tools on future planetary science research and exploration.

Archive Planning

  • Proposals submitted to ROSES-2018 are required to include a data management plan (DMP). However, unlike for other programs, proposers to this program element will not provide a data management plan via the NSPIRES cover pages. Instead, that requirement is superseded by instructions in Appendix C.7 that place more detailed descriptions into the body of the Scientific/Technical/Management section of proposals.

Additional links within PDS

  • The PDS has prepared a Proposer's Archiving Guide, specifically to support DAP proposers.

  • For more information about proposing with respect to PDS archiving, see the PDS Engineering Node's Information for Proposers web page.

  • The PDS Engineering Node's ROSES Support pages provides links to ROSES support pages at other PDS Discipline Nodes