Latest update: 2/26/13 - Amendment 2.

Critical Dates

    Step-1 Proposal due date:    3/26/2013

    Step-2 Proposal due date:      5/3/2013

    Data Availability date:              2/2/2013</b>


    Data Sources

    The Cassini Data Analysis and Participating Scientists Program (CDAPS) is described in Appendix C.10 of the ROSES 2013 NRA. The full document can be accessed under Solicitations at the NSPIRES web site.

    The specific data restrictions given for the 2013 CDAPS are:

      Proposals must be focused on the Saturn system and make significant use of (or greatly enhance the use of) data returned by Cassini instruments. Proposals to work with Cassini data and also use ground-based or other data are acceptable, provided that the success of the proposal, as written, is dependent upon the Cassini data.

      In the first two years of the CDAPS program data from the Cassini Jupiter flyby in 2000 were eligible. This is no longer true. Proposals that address Jupiter data should be directed to the Outer Planets Research program described in Appendix C.7 of this ROSES NRA.

      In order to be considered under the data analysis portion of the call, proposing PIs must use data that are in the public domain 90 days before the CDAPS Step 2 proposals due date, and they must make clear to the peer reviewers that the data are publicly available. Proposals that do not comply with this rule may be declared noncompliant and declined without evaluation. It is understood, however, that once the grant is awarded, succeeding years of work may address data that have subsequently come into the archive.

      Whether from the PDS or another source, if the data to be analyzed is not certified or otherwise has issues that might represent an obstacle to analysis, the proposers must clearly demonstrate that such potential difficulties can be overcome.

    Volumes at the Ring-Moon Systems Node which meet the CDAPS basic eligibility requirements for publicly available timing (based on the Step 2 Proposal due date)and PDS certification are listed below.

    • COCIRS_0401 through COCIRS_1203
    • COCIRS_5401 through COCIRS_6006
    • COISS_0001 through COISS_0011
    • COISS_2001 through COISS_2073
    • COISS_3001 through COISS_3007
    • COUVIS_0004 through COUVIS_0038
    • COVIMS_0004 through COVIMS_0051

    In addition, Volumes at the Ring-Moon Systems Node which meet the CDAPS basic eligibility requirements for publicly available timing but which have not yet been certified by PDS are:

    • CORSS_8001
    • COUVIS_8001
    • COVIMS_8001

    Finding Cassini Data within the PDS

    Data at the Ring-Moon Systems Node.
    • Search for data
    • [OPUS](/search/), our Outer Planets Unified Search tool, allows users to search for and obtain subsets of data based on a wide range of constraints. OPUS supports Saturn system data obtained by Cassini CIRS prior to July 2010, and all Saturn system observations currently available in PDS obtained by Cassini ISS, UVIS and VIMS, as well as data sets obtained by other missions including Voyager. Search results include preview images for all observations.

      For Cassini ISS, UVIS, and VIMS, the OPUS search parameters are based on enhanced geometric metadata generated at the rings node and include constraints relating to the surfaces of the planet and satellites as well as to the rings.

    • Use our Cassini Information Pages
    • Our [Cassini information pages](/cassini/) provide:

      • tabular links to the data organized by observation date for each instrument,
      • links to Ring-Moon Systems Node generated preview images (ISS, UVIS and VIMS) and footprint diagrams (CIRS),
      • links to tables of enhanced geometric metadata,
      • links to volumes of calibrated ISS images,
      • overviews of the CIRS, ISS, UVIS, and VIMS instruments and their associated documentation.

    • Browse our [data directories](/link/volumes/)
    • Download [entire volumes](/link/volumes/) as [tar.gz](/help/targz.html) files.
    Other PDS Resources
    • Other PDS Discipline Node Cassini Pages.
    • The PDS NAIF Node and observation geometry.
    • SPICE data and software may be obtained from the NAIF web site.SPICE data files contain spacecraft and solar system geometry data necessary to interpret scientific observations from space-based instruments. The SPICE system also includes a large suite of software, mostly in the form of subroutines, that users incorporate in their own application programs to read SPICE files and to compute derived observation geometry, such as altitude, latitude/longitude, and lighting angles.


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